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Northwestern University

Weinberg College Community Building Award

Departments, Programs, and undergraduate students are invited to submit nominations for the Weinberg College Community Building Award. The award carries a cash stipend of $5,000.


The award recognizes faculty who foster a sense of community both inside and outside the classroom and who make students feel valued as members of the Northwestern intellectual community.

Nomination materials

Both the letter of nomination and the supporting letters from students should describe the contributions to community made by the nominated faculty member and a list of any activities that the nominee may have undertaken for Northwestern undergraduates (advising, work with student groups, etc.).

The deadline for receipt of materials in the Dean's Office is February 15th (if February 15th falls on a weekend, the due date is the following Monday). Weinberg College uses the Faculty Folio RPT interface to manage the workflow for the College Teaching Awards. Departments that plan to nominate a faculty member for a teaching award should submit a WCAS College Teaching Award Nominations form by January 20th (if January 20th falls on a weekend, the due date is the following Monday). The Dean's Office will then create the nominee’s case in Faculty Folio RPT and release it to the department. The department will have until February 15th to upload all documents to Faculty Folio and forward the nomination packet to the Dean’s Office. Please feel free to address questions or comments about the awards and selection process to Elizabeth Kim, Assistant Dean for Faculty Advancement.

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