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Northwestern University

Perspectives 2: Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity

NOTE: Students who started taking classes at Northwestern in Spring 2023 or earlier are not required to complete the US or Global perspectives (see the prior degree requirements). The information below pertains to students who start at Northwestern after Spring 2023.

The global perspective addresses the geographic and environmental conditions, historical and present social and political structures, linguistic and cultural formations of groups and individuals primarily outside the United States, focusing on the interaction among cultures.

Learning Objectives

In courses satisfying this perspective students will:

choosing courses

Note that a perspective course may simultaneously count for any other requirement in which it is approved (such as foundational discipline, major, or the advanced expression requirement).

Approved Courses

 Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Subject Number Title
ANTHRO 211-0 Culture and Society1
ANTHRO 215-0 Study of Culture Through Language1
ANTHRO 238-0 Food in Culture and Society1
ANTHRO 326-0 Archaeologies of Sustainability and Collapse (with ENVR_POL 385)1
ANTHRO 329-0 Archaeology and Nationalism (with HUM 329-0)2
ANTHRO 383-0 Environmental Anthropology (with ENVR_POL 383-0)1
ART_HIST 220-0 Introduction to African Art2, 4
ART_HIST 222-0 Introduction to Art of the African Diaspora2, 4
ART_HIST 232-0 Introduction to the History of Architecture: 1400 to Present2, 4
ART_HIST 235-0 Introduction to Latin American Art2, 4
ART_HIST 240-0 Introduction to Asian Art2, 4
ART_HIST 255-0 Introduction to Modernism2, 4
ART_HIST 340-1 Baroque Art: Italy & Spain 1600-18002, 4
ART_HIST 342-0 Eighteenth-Century European Art2, 4
ART_HIST 350-1 19th Century Art 1: 1800-18482, 4
ART_HIST 350-2 19th Century Art 2: 1848-19002, 4
ART_HIST 360-1 20th Century Art 12, 4
ART_HIST 386-0 Art of Africa2, 4
ASIAN_LC 300-0 Advanced Topics in Chinese Literature and Culture4
ASIAN_LC 375-0 South Asian Societies4
ASIAN_LC 390-0 Advanced Topics in Asian Languages and Cultures4
ASIAN_LC 392-0 Advanced Studies in Asian Film, Media, and Visual Culture4
ASIAN_LC 393-0 Asian Environmental Humanities4
BLK_ST 213-0 History of the Black World2
BLK_ST 275-0 Africans and African Americans4
COMP_LIT 207-0 Introduction to Critical Theory (with PHIL 220-0)3
ENGLISH 265-0 Introduction to Postcolonial Literature4
ENGLISH 281-0 Topics in Postcolonial Comparative Literatures4
ENGLISH 287-0 Topics in Global Literature4
ENGLISH 365-0 Studies in Postcolonial Literature4
ENGLISH 369-0 Studies in African Literature4
ENVR_POL 337-0 Hazard, Disaster and Society (with GBL_HLTH 337-0)1
ENVR_POL 338-0 Environmental Justice (with GBL_HLTH 338-0)1
ENVR_POL 340-0 Global Environments and World History (with HISTORY 376-0) 1,2
ENVR_POL 370-0 Climate Change Law and Policy
ENVR_POL 383-0 Environmental Anthropology (with ANTHRO 383-0)1
ENVR_POL 385-0 Archaeologies of Sustainability and Collapse (with ANTHRO 326-0)1
FRENCH 211-0 Reading Cultures in French4
FRENCH 271-0 Introducing the Novel4
FRENCH 355-0 Topics in Modern and Contemporary French Literature and Culture4
FRENCH 365-0 The Maghreb and the Middle East (taught in French)4
FRENCH 386-0 Gender and Writing4
FRENCH 395-0 Advanced Studies in Culture and Thought4
GBL_HLTH 201-0 Introduction to Global Health1
GBL_HLTH 302-0 Global Bioethics3
GBL_HLTH 306-0 Biomedicine and Culture1
GBL_HLTH 309-0 Biomedicine and World History (with HISTORY 379-0)1,2
GBL_HLTH 321-0 War and Public Health1
GBL_HLTH 323-0 Global Health From Policy to Practice1
GBL_HLTH 324-0 Volunteerism and the Ethics of Help3
GBL_HLTH 325-0 History of Reproductive Health2
GBL_HLTH 337-0 Hazard, Disaster and Society (with ENVR_POL 337-0)1
GBL_HLTH 338-0 Environmental Justice (with ENVR_POL 338-0)1
GNDR_ST 233-0 Gender, Politics and Philosophy (with PHIL 221-0)3
GNDR_ST 341-0 Transnational Perspectives on Gender and Sexuality
GERMAN 224-0 Contemporary Germany
GERMAN 224-SA Contemporary Germany
GERMAN 234-1 Jews and Germans: An Intercultural History I3,4
GERMAN 234-2 Jews and Germans: An Intercultural History II4
GERMAN 248-0 Learning Diversity: Germany and Global Migration
GERMAN 303-0 Speaking as Discovery
GERMAN 328-0 Prague: City of Cultures, City of Conflict (with SLAVIC 328-0)4
GERMAN 335-0 Minority Voices in Germany (taught in German)4
GERMAN 337-0 Science and Culture in Germany2
GERMAN 349-0 History of the Holocaust (with HISTORY 349-0)2
HISTORY 201-1 Europe in the Medieval and Early Modern World2
HISTORY 201-2 Europe in the Modern World2
HISTORY 203-1 Jewish History 750-14922
HISTORY 220-0 History of the Future2
HISTORY 248-0 Global Legal History (with LEGAL_ST 248-0)1,2
HISTORY 249-0 The End of Citizenship1,2
HISTORY 250-1 Global History I2
HISTORY 250-2 Global History II2
HISTORY 251-0 The Politics of Disaster: A Global Environmental History1,2
HISTORY 253-0 A Global History of Prisons and Camps2,3
HISTORY 254-0 Global Entrepreneurs1,2
HISTORY 255-1 African Civilizations1,2
HISTORY 255-3 Modern Africa2
HISTORY 260-2 History of Latin America1,2
HISTORY 275-1 History of Early Modern Science and Medicine2
HISTORY 275-2 History of Modern Science and Medicine2
HISTORY 284-2 Early Modern Japan2
HISTORY 286-0 World War II in Asia2
HISTORY 340-0 Gender, War, and Revolution in the 20th Century2
HISTORY 349-0 History of the Holocaust (with GERMAN 349-0)2
HISTORY 351-0 Europe in the Age of Total War2,3
HISTORY 352-0 Global History of Death and Dying2,3
HISTORY 353-0 History of Capitalism1,2
HISTORY 354-0 History of Socialism1,2
HISTORY 366-0 Latin America in the Independence Era: American Indians and Nations2
HISTORY 367-0 History of Mexico1,2
HISTORY 370-0 Music and Nation in Latin America1,2
HISTORY 376-0 Global Environments and World History (with ENVR_POL 340-0) 1,2
HISTORY 379-0 Biomedicine and World History (with GBL_HLTH 309-0)1,2
HISTORY 381-1 Modern China: The Transition to Modern Times, 1600-19122
HISTORY 381-2 Modern China: The Twentieth Century2
HISTORY 381-3 China in Reform2
HISTORY 382-0 The Modern Japanese City2
HISTORY 385-1 History of Modern South Asia, ca 1500-18002
HISTORY 385-2 History of Modern South Asia, ca 1750-present2
HISTORY 386-2 History of Modern Southeast Asia Until 19452
HISTORY 386-3 Southeast Asia: Decolonization & Independence1,2
HUM 329-0 Archaeology and Nationalism (with ANTHRO 329-0)2
INTL_ST 383-1 Elliott Scholars Program: Foundation Topics in Global Affairs1
INTL_ST 393-SA Development in the Global Context: Participation, Power, and Social Change (variable credit course; 1 unit can count towards a Foundational Discipline)1
ISEN 230-0 Climate Change and Sustainability: Ethical Dimensions (with PHIL 270-0)3
ISEN 375-0 Issues in Environmental Philosophy (with PHIL 375-0)3
ITALIAN 251-0 Introduction to Italian Cinema4
ITALIAN 277-0 Global Neorealism4
ITALIAN 377-0 Gender and Sexuality in Italian Culture4
LEGAL_ST 248-0 Global Legal History (with HISTORY 248-0)1,2
LEGAL_ST 356-0 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (with POLI_SCI 356-0)1
MENA 200-0 Making the Modern Middle East: Culture, Politics, History
PERF_ST 308-0 Contemporary Middle Eastern Performance4
PHIL 220-0 Introduction to Critical Theory (with COMP_LIT 207-0)3
PHIL 221-0 Gender, Politics and Philosophy (with GNDR_ST 233-0)3
PHIL 222-0 Introduction to Africana Philosophy3
PHIL 270-0 Climate Change and Sustainability: Economic and Ethical Dimensions (with ISEN 230-0)3
PHIL 375-0 Issues in Environmental Philosophy (with ISEN 375-0)3
POLI_SCI 240-0 Introduction to International Relations1
POLI_SCI 250-0 Introduction to Comparative Politics1
POLI_SCI 304-0 Human Rights Between East and West3
POLI_SCI 341-0 International Political Economy1
POLI_SCI 343-0 Politics of International Law1
POLI_SCI 347-0 Ethics in International Relations3
POLI_SCI 350-0 Social Movements1
POLI_SCI 351-0 Politics of the Middle East1
POLI_SCI 352-0 Global Development (with SOCIOL 317-0)1
POLI_SCI 354-0 Politics of Southeast Asia1
POLI_SCI 356-0 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (with LEGAL_ST 356-0)1
POLI_SCI 359-0 Politics of Africa1
POLI_SCI 362-0 Politics of Europe1
POLI_SCI 374-0 Politics of Capitalism1
POLI_SCI 376-0 Civil Wars1
POLI_SCI 377-0 Drugs and Politics1
POLI_SCI 383-0 War and Change in International Politics1
POLI_SCI 384-0 International Responses to Mass Atrocities1
PORT 380-0 Contemporary Brazil: Literature and Film4
PSYCH 317-0 The Holocaust: Psychological Themes & Perspectives1
RELIGION 295-0 Ahimsa: Nonviolence in South Asia and Beyond3
RELIGION 312-0 Buddhism and Gender3
RELIGION 351-0 Islamic Law2,3
RELIGION 360-0 African American Religions2,3
SLAVIC 218-0 Introduction to Polish Literature4
SLAVIC 250-SA Balkan Civilizations2
SLAVIC 318-0 Polish Cinema4
SLAVIC 328-0 Prague: City of Cultures, City of Conflict (with GERMAN 328-0)4
SOCIOL 305-0 Population Dynamics1
SOCIOL 317-0 Global Development (with POLI_SCI 352-0)1
SPANISH 204-0 Advanced Spanish II: Artivism in Times of Political Change4
SPANISH 223-0 Cervantes (taught in English)4
SPANISH 231-0 New Latin American Narrative4
SPANISH 260-0 Literature in Latin America before 18884
SPANISH 261-0 Literature in Latin America since 18884
SPANISH 340-0 Colonial Latin American Literature (taught in Spanish)4
SPANISH 346-0 Testimonial Narrative in Latin America (taught in Spanish)4
SPANISH 349-0 Critical Thought in Latin America3
SPANISH 350-0 Visual Culture in Latina/o America and Spain (taught in Spanish)4
SPANISH 362-0 Citizenship and Urban Violence in Latin America4

1Also FD-Social and Behavioral Sciences

2Also FD-Historical Studies

3Also FD-Ethical and Evaluative Thinking

4Also FD-Literature and Arts