Degree requirements

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Use the information here to make academic choices and find support as you progress toward your degree.
To learn about Northwestern’s campus community, see student profiles, and review financial aid information, check out the materials available on the Undergraduate Admissions Office website.
Keep track of requirements you'll need to complete for your degree, including the selection of a major.
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You must choose and complete a major:
As an incoming student, you have a lot of choices to make and tasks to accomplish. Some can be completed in the summer, such as compiling your Student Dossier and taking placement exams or skills assessments relevant to your plans.
Visit our Transfer Student section for the advices and information you'll need for a smooth transition.
First-Year Student Quick Links
Use these webpages to find resources, answers to your questions and advising from our academic advisers.
Advisors on hand to help from the moment you arrive on campus. Get in touch.
At certain points in your academic career, you may need to reference policies, forms and tools.