Career Exploration
A liberal arts education is an excellent foundation for many careers. As you take classes across disciplines, you will hone critical thinking, communication, and analytical skills that employers value. You will also acquire domain-specific knowledge in multiple fields of study. Use College and University resources to begin exploring careers as early as your first year.
Waldron Student-Alumni Connections Program
The Waldron Student-Alumni Connections Program will help you connect with Weinberg alumni to facilitate career exploration and planning. We host alumni panels and roundtables on campus each quarter, giving students the opportunity to hear college-to-career stories by industry or major, and to ask questions of our alumni. We offer skills-building workshops, and each reading week we take students on career treks to Chicago–based businesses.
More about the Program
Guidance and advice
Northwestern Career Advancement
Northwestern Career Advancement offers career counseling, advising, career fairs and group sessions for help choosing an academic major, assessing interests, values, strengths and skills and exploring/discovering different career paths.
College and departmental advising
Weinberg College Advisers and department advisers are good sources of career-related advice. Our webpages provide guidance on courses to take if you are considering a career in the health, law or business fields.