Weinberg College Advisers
The Office of Undergraduate Studies and Advising is your first stop for Weinberg College Advising. It's a place to go whenever you want to talk about academic issues, about what courses to take or what major to select, about your progress on degree requirements, about problems you're having or special opportunities you're thinking about exploring, and about any other academic concern you may have. It's also a place to go when you're unsure of where to turn for advice. If we're not the right people for you to see, we can usually tell you who is. The OUSA coordinates the work of fall quarter seminar-linked advisers, Weinberg College Advisers and Department and Program Advisers. Contact the OUSA and learn more.
Contact a College Adviser
Most Weinberg students are assigned to a College Adviser in the winter quarter of the first year and work with that person until they graduate. Students who transfer in to Weinberg from other schools or Universities are assigned to a College Adviser as part of their welcome to the College. College Advisers are faculty members who hold regular advising hours each week and see students by appointment.
- Request an appointment online or call 847-491-8916. (Advisers generally do not set up appointments via email.) You can have an in-person appointment, phone appointment or request to meet via Zoom. Students can connect with advisers through ConnectNU, our online advising platform that coordinates scheduling, messaging, and other advising interactions. ConnectNU can be accessed at www.advising.northwestern.edu, where you can log in with your NetID. Once logged in, you can schedule an appointment using the Connect feature, view resources in Your Services, and use Messages to interact directly with your adviser within the system.
- Drop-in advising is available from 1:30-4:30 pm (Central) on business days. Drop-in advising is for brief questions and time-sensitive matters. To request a drop-in time, please call our office at 847-491-8916.
- Meet the College Advisers: Read biographical information and find direct contact information for Weinberg College Advisers.
The best way to think of your College Adviser is as a generalist (your department adviser is more like a specialist).
- You can talk with your College Adviser about selecting courses and choosing a major, as well as about strategies for completing requirements.
- Your College Adviser can help you develop an academic plan and consider opportunities such as studying abroad, getting involved in research, writing a senior thesis, or applying for fellowships.
- If you are following a pre-med, pre-law, or pre-business track – or if you are unsure of your future plans – your College Adviser can help put your academic choices into context.
- If you’re thinking of doing both a major and a minor, or perhaps two majors, your College Adviser can talk with you about options for fitting in both, complementing the guidance you get from department or program advisers in each field.
It is important to know that your College Adviser is also there if you are having difficulties, academic or otherwise, at Northwestern. Your adviser is there to help you solve problems, navigate the university, find the support you need and to be your advocate in the College.
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