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Northwestern University

Key Details & FAQs

Key Details

What is the difference between Convocation and Commencement?

Convocation is the Weinberg College graduation ceremony. This is the ceremony where graduates are individually recognized by having their name read as they cross the stage. 

Commencement is the university-wide graduation ceremony. This ceremony is where the graduating class is commemorated as a whole. There are no names read at this ceremony. 

When and Where

Weinberg College Convocation will take place on Saturday, June 14, 2025 at Welsh-Ryan Arena beginning at 3:00 p.m. There is some parking at Welsh-Ryan Arena. In addition, shuttles from the main campus. Doors open at 2:00 p.m. Graduates will check-in at Trienens Hall at Welsh-Ryan Arena to receive your name card (how your name will be read on stage). Please arrive no later than 2:45 p.m. to ensure you are there in time for the start of the celebration.


Graduates will cross the stage and hear their name read as they are congratulated by the Dean. Professional photographs will be taken of each student on stage. Photography information will be emailed and posted to this webpage after the event.


Diplomas will not be available on June 14. Graduates will be given a diploma cover at the ceremony. Diplomas will be mailed in August to the graduate's permanent address as it is listed in CAESAR. Please check CAESAR to ensure your permanent address is correct.


The 2025 Convocation Speaker will be announced soon.


All graduates and their guests are invited to the Weinberg College Graduation Reception. The date and time will be announced soon.

Live Stream

For those students and guests unable to join us in person, we will be live streaming the ceremony. You will soon receive a personalized link to your graduation page to share with others which will include the live stream. We will also make the live stream available at our convocation website.

Prohibited Items

Prohibited items at all graduation venues include: noisemakers, instruments, balloons, confetti, glitter, food or drinks, long lens cameras, signs, flags, fliers, handouts, weapons, or anything else that would interfere with another guest’s sight lines or enjoyment of the ceremony.

Ceremony Logistics

Will I need tickets for Convocation?

Yes, each graduate may order up to 6 tickets for the Convocation ceremony. Note that these tickets are separate from the 6 tickets students are allotted for the University's Commencement ceremony on Sunday, June 15. While we anticipate ample capacity based on historical attendance numbers, graduates should order only the number of tickets they need.

Ticketing for Weinberg College Convocation will be held in two rounds. Round 1 will begin February 27, and graduates may reserve up to four tickets for the ceremony. Round 2 will open April 2, and graduates who need more than four tickets will be able to reserve up to two additional tickets for the ceremony.

Please note: students in other schools may have a different ticketing process, due to class size and venue capacity.

Beginning April 29, any unreserved tickets will be added to the waitlist pool for distribution.


How do I order tickets?

Each graduate is responsible for ordering tickets for their guests. Students should reference their email to access the Convocation ticketing portal.

What is the deadline for ordering tickets?

Students must order tickets for their guests by April 28. Beginning April 29, any unreserved tickets will be added to the waitlist pool for distribution.

I do not need 6 tickets. What should I do with my extra tickets?

Students should only order the exact number of tickets that they need. If at any time your guests’ plans change and you are not going to use a ticket, you may share it with a friend or return it to the waitlist pool through the ticketing system. Selling convocation tickets is strictly prohibited.

What if I need more than 6 tickets?

During Round 2 of ticketing (starting April 2), graduates may also request to join the waitlist if they have more than 6 guests and need additional tickets to the ceremony, subject to availability.

If students order only the number of tickets they plan to use, more waitlist tickets will be available to those who have larger parties. 

What time is the ceremony over?

The ceremony lasts approximately 2 hours.

Is there air-conditioning at the ceremony?

While Welsh-Ryan Arena is an air-conditioned venue, note that the venue can get warm due to the number of guests anticipated to attend. If you have a guest who is heat-sensitive, we recommend that they watch the live broadcast of the Convocation ceremony in the Technological Institute, which is an air-conditioned space.

Preparing for Convocation

I won't finish my coursework until August. Is it possible for me to attend Convocation?

Yes, if you are an undergraduate student finishing your degree requirements in August, you may still participate in the Convocation ceremony. However, you will not receive your diploma until you have completed your summer coursework. Your degree will be audited and the diploma will be mailed to you.

If I completed my coursework in December 2024 or March 2025, is it possible for me to attend the June Convocation?

Yes, if you completed your degree requirements in December 2024 or March 2025, you are welcome to participate in the Convocation ceremony.

Is it absolutely necessary to wear a cap and gown at the ceremony?

Yes, all participants must wear a University-approved cap and gown and students will not be allowed to participate if they are not wearing regalia. More information on regalia can be found on the Commencement website

What is a name card?

A name card is presented as you prepare to walk across the stage. The card indicates your name and its phonetic spelling. You will receive your name card when you arrive at Trienens for the Convocation ceremony.

In addition to a cap and gown, what is appropriate attire for the ceremony?

The weather in June is often quite hot. Please be sure that the shoes and clothes worn under your gown allow you to be comfortable while still preserving the dignity of the ceremony.

Day of Convocation

When should graduates arrive for Convocation?

Graduates must arrive at Trienens Hall, which is adjacent to Welsh-Ryan Arena, by 2:45 p.m., where they will be directed to the registration tables to pick up their name cards and be seated on the field.

When should guests arrive for Convocation?

Welsh-Ryan Arena opens to guests at 2:00 p.m. However, because this area is the site of several Convocation ceremonies, guests are encouraged to use the shuttle bus to avoid heavy traffic and parking difficulties.

Will I receive my diploma at Convocation?

No, diplomas will be mailed to graduates after Convocation. Students who participate in Convocation will receive a diploma cover when they cross the stage. See Diplomas FAQs.


When will I receive my diploma?

Assuming your coursework has been completed and all fees have been paid, you will receive your diploma in the mail in August, and it will be sent by the Office of the Registrar. If your graduation date is not June 2025, your diploma will be mailed after your graduation date.

Where will my diploma be mailed?

Your diploma will be mailed to your permanent address, as it is listed in CAESAR. It is important that you update your permanent address in CAESAR as soon as possible in order to ensure correct delivery of your diploma.

What if I need proof of graduation before I receive my diploma in the mail?

Contact the Registrar to request a degree verification letter.

What will I receive when I cross the stage?

Weinberg College students participating in Convocation will receive a diploma cover as they are congratulated on stage. This is yours to keep.

What will my diploma read?

All Weinberg College students receive a Bachelor of Arts diploma. The diploma does not indicate major or minor.

If I am being granted a degree from another school at Northwestern University, but have received a major or minor in Weinberg College, will I receive a diploma from Weinberg College?

No, you will only receive a diploma from the school granting the degree.