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Northwestern University


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Department directors and administrators can be found under their academic Departments and Programs

You can also contact the following offices for specific inquiries:

  • Dean’s Office Administration: 847-491-3276
  • Undergraduate Affairs: 847-491-7560
  • Undergraduate Advising: 847-491-8916
  • Weinberg College IT Solutions:
  • Northwestern IT Support:
    • For immediate IT support assistance, please call 847-491-4357 (1-HELP)

Dean's Office Office Hours

In-person office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. All visitors should come to the front door of 1918 Sheridan Road for service.

Dean's Office Organization Chart

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Office Location: 1922 Sheridan


Hafiza leads all staff human resources matters for Weinberg including staff recruitment, retention, compensation, employee relations and serves as a resource on HR practices, policies and procedures. 

Adam, Hafiza
Associate Director, Human Resources
847-491-3278h-adam@northwestern.eduStaff Human ResourcesA

Office Location: Kresge 4-544

Ali, Virginia
Financial Assistant
847-467-2981virginia.ali@northwestern.eduFinance and AdministrationA

Office Location: Tech F410

Arnold, Anthony
Senior Research Administrator
847-491-5761anthony.arnold@northwestern.eduResearch Funding and AdministrationA
Gina Berardesco

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan Road


Gina assists with the administration of sponsored funding for Weinberg faculty and staff. She is involved in proposal preparation, award set-up, award management and monitoring, and award close-out. She previously worked as a researcher and project manager for several Chicago-area biotech startups. Gina has earned a bachelor's degree from Rutgers University and a Ph. D. from the University of Massachusetts.

Berardesco, Gina
Senior Research Administrator Research Funding and AdministrationB

Office Location: 619 Emerson

About: Jennifer Bivens is the Lead Business Analyst on the Functional Solutions team in Weinberg IT Solutions (WITS).  She manages Faculty Folio, the faculty information system for Weinberg College and several other schools and also has expertise in PeopleSoft data queries, web services, Smartsheet, Microsoft SharePoint, and Microsoft Power Platform. Jen consults with departments, the Dean's Office, and faculty to build--or help end users build--efficient business processes by leveraging central systems of record. She worked in Northwestern IT on the CAESAR team for several years, helped implement the first university-wide advising system, and then moved to Weinberg in 2019.Jen earned a BA in Comparative Literature from Northwestern and an MA in Mathematics Education from DePaul University.
Bivens, Jennifer
Business Analyst Manager
847-467-0369jennifer.bivens@northwestern.eduInformation TechnologyB

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan

Bonney, Lin-Wei
Assistant Director
847-467-3353linwei.bonney@northwestern.eduUndergraduate StudiesB

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan

Braga-Pinto, Cesar
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies
847-467-5817c-braga-pinto@northwestern.eduDean's Office, Graduate ProgramsB
Rosemary Bush

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan


Rosemary Bush is a Weinberg College Adviser and Assistant Professor of Instruction in Earth and Planetary Sciences.  Her research focuses on how plants and their environments have shaped one another through Earth’s history, developing proxy tools using living plants and then reconstructing plant ecology and paleoclimate from fossils from a variety of different places and times.  As an instructor, she enjoys teaching topics in paleobiology and environmental science.  Her interests generally lie at the intersection of ecology and history, and spare time is usually spent keeping up with the permaculture and native species gardens around her 100-year-old Chicago bungalow.  She received her BA in Environmental Biology from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and her MS in Plant Biology and Conservation and PhD in Earth and Planetary Sciences from Northwestern.

Bush, Rosemary
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916rosemary.bush@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingB

Office Location: 619 Emerson

Carroll, Matthew
IT Platforms Lead
847-467-1544mmcarroll@northwestern.eduInformation TechnologyC

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan

Cianfrani, Michael
Digital Production and Strategy Manager
michael.cianfrani@northwestern.eduMarketing and CommunicationsC
Brady Clark

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan Road


Brady Clark is a Weinberg College Adviser and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Linguistics. He received a B.A. in linguistics from the University of Washington and a Ph.D. from the Department of Linguistics at Stanford University. Since joining the Northwestern University faculty in 2004, he has taught courses on syntax, meaning, historical linguistics, and the origin and evolution of language.

Clark, Brady
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916bzack@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingC

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan


Jessica is the Financial Coordinator for the Dean’s Office. She came to Weinberg after working for the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law for 4 years, and having previously worked at Accounts Payable for 3 years. Jessica earned her bachelor’s degree from Illinois State University. She is proud to be part of the Northwestern University community.

Clements, Jessica
Financial Admin 2
847-467-6275jessica.clements@northwestern.eduFinance and AdministrationC
Beth Clifford Smith

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan


Beth oversees human resources activities for Weinberg staff, including staff recruitment and retention. Additionally, Beth serves as a resource for Weinberg faculty and staff who have questions about human resources practices and policies. She earned her bachelor's degree at Northwestern's School of Communication.

Clifford Smith, Beth
Director, Human Resources
847-491-2212b-clifford@northwestern.eduStaff Human ResourcesC
Shoshannah Cohen

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan Road

About: Shoshannah is responsible for providing centralized reporting and analysis in the College. She works with area experts to maintain and standardize data collection and tracking methods, and to design and implement reporting to support decision-making. She has previously worked at the University of Chicago and East-West University.
Cohen, Shoshannah
Manager Institutional Analysis, Administration
847-491-5064shocohen@northwestern.eduInstitutional AnalysisC

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan

Court, Ricardo
Assistant Dean for Academic Integrity
847-491-7560court@northwestern.eduUndergraduate StudiesC

Office Location: 619 Emerson

Crimmin, Angela
Director of Marketing and Communications
847-467-0796angela.crimmin@northwestern.eduMarketing and CommunicationsC

Office Location:

Cruz, Andrea
Program Assistant 4
847-491-2227andrea.cruz@northwestern.eduResearch Funding and Administration, Graduate ProgramsC
Kelly Daniels

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan Road


Kelly grew up in Chicago, graduated from Lane Tech, and attended the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. She loves dogs, technology, traveling, and photography.

Daniels, Kelly
IT Data Analyst
847-491-8916kldaniel@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingD

Office Location: Kresge 2-515

Del Fiacco, Demitra
demitra.delfiacco@northwestern.eduInformation TechnologyD

Office Location:

DesLauriers, Amanda
Research Administrator (EPS)
847-467-4820amanda.deslauriers@northwestern.eduResearch Funding and AdministrationD

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan

Dimitrijevic, Laura
Associate Director, Special Events
laura.dimitrijevic@northwestern.eduEvent PlanningD
Jaime Dominguez

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan Road


Jaime is a College Adviser, Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Department of Political Science, and a faculty associate in the Latina/o Studies program, as well as coordinator of the Posner Undergraduate Research Program. He received his BA from the University of California at San Diego and his PhD in Political Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His research interests include race and ethnicity, coalition politics, and urban and American politics. He is one of the principal architects of the Chicago Democracy Project (CDP), a 30-year political database that provides access to information on campaign finance, electoral outcomes, government contracts, minority appointments, and levels of public employment for the City of Chicago. In 2007 and 2011, he was named to the ASG Faculty Honor Roll.

Dominguez, Jaime
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916j-dominguez@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingD
Sheila Donohue

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan


Sheila is a Weinberg College Adviser and an Associate Professor of Instruction in English. She received her MFA from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and subsequently held a Wallace Stegner Writing Fellowship and Jones Lectureship at Stanford University. Her work has been published in numerous literary magazines, including Northwestern's own TriQuarterly. She joined the Northwestern University faculty in 1998 and currently teaches fiction writing in the undergraduate English major and poetry in the MFA program in Creative Writing.

Donohue, Sheila
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916spdonohue@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingD

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan

Du, Nga
Financial Analyst 2
847-467-5515n-du@northwestern.eduGraduate ProgramsD

Office Location: Kresge 4-544

Ellyin, Sandy
Financial Coordinator
847-467-2960sandy.ellyin@northwestern.eduUndergraduate Advising, Finance and AdministrationE

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan Road

Ernst, Carina
Financial Assistant
847-491-4561carina.ernst@northwestern.eduFinance and AdministrationE
Lane Fenrich

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan


Lane is the Assistant Dean for First-Year Students and the Director of Weinberg’s Arch Scholars transition programs.  He’s a first-generation college student.  He received his BA from Pacific Lutheran University and his Ph.D. in History from Northwestern.  He started in the Dean’s office in 2000.  When not at Northwestern, he can often be found teaching or practicing yoga in a nearby studio.

Fenrich, Lane
Assistant Dean for First-Year Students
847-491-7567fenrich@northwestern.eduUndergraduate StudiesF
Josh Folger

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan Road


Josh comes to Weinberg from ABM Parking where he served as their Division Operations Manager.  Josh has extensive experience in managing multiple facilities and addressing the needs of a variety of people.  He holds a Bachelor’s degree from Ohio State University and is a two-sport Varsity Letter winner in Track & Field and Cross Country.  He is currently responsible for the efficient use of the varied spaces used by Weinberg’s students, faculty and staff, as well as renovations and planning. 

Folger, Josh
Associate Director for Facilities
847-467-0519josh.folger@northwestern.eduFacilities and PlanningF

Office Location: Kresge 4-544

Foster, Crystal
Financial Administrator Finance and AdministrationF

Office Location:

Fuller, Deanna
Research Administrator
847-467-0044deanna.fuller@northwestern.eduResearch Funding and AdministrationF
Alyssa  Garcia

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan

Garcia, Alyssa
Weinberg College Advisor
847-491-8916alyssadgarcia@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingG
Myrna Garcia

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan


Myrna García is a Weinberg College Advisor and an Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Latina and Latino Studies Program. She earned a M.A. in Education from Fordham University and a Ph.D. in Ethnic Studies from the University of California, San Diego. Her research documents Latina/o immigrant rights activism in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood (1965-1986). Prior to her arrival at Northwestern, she taught at the University of Texas at Austin, Oberlin College, and Indiana University. She enjoys teaching courses on Latina/o/x im/migration, Chicana/Latina feminism, Latina/o/x History, and Latina/o/x Social Movements.​

Garcia, Myrna
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916myrna.garcia@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingG

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan

Garrison, Carrie
Manager, Financial Analysis
847-467-1055carrie.garrison@northwestern.eduFinance and AdministrationG

Office Location: 1201 Davis

Goodman, Mary
Associate Director, Major Gifts
847-345-7359Mary.goodman@northwestern.eduAlumni and DevelopmentG
Shelby Hatch

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan


Shelby is a Weinberg College Adviser and an Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Chemistry Department. She advises students from the second quarter of their first year until they graduate.  She has taught a variety of undergraduate chemistry courses - introductory lab classes, first year seminars, courses for non-scientists, and a capstone laboratory course for chemistry majors - plus firesides on the chemistry of beer & the chemistry of chocolate. Shelby's personal and professional interests intersect at the point where chemistry meets sustainability. She received her BA from The College of Wooster and her PhD from The University of Rochester. 

Hatch, Shelby
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916slhatch@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingH
Jane Holt

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan


Jane manages and oversees all processes involved in the faculty life cycle including recruitment & retention, onboarding, promotion and tenure, awards, leaves and retirement.  Prior to this role, Jane was the director of the Austin J. Waldron Student Alumni Connections Program, and prior to that she worked as an administrator in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese and the Program in Comparative Literary Studies.  Jane earned her BA in Art History from the University of Virginia. 


Holt, Jane
Director of Faculty Affairs
Carlos Hurtado

Office Location: 619 Emerson

Hurtado, Carlos
DevOps Engineer
847-467-0429c-hurtado@northwestern.eduInformation TechnologyH
Daniel Johannsson

Office Location: 619 Emerson


In addition to designing the web server infrastructure and writing web applications, Dan guides faculty to research computing and storage resources. He earned his bachelor's degree in Computer Science at Illinois Wesleyan University and a master's degree in Computer Information Systems at Northwestern University.

Johannsson, Daniel
Developer Manager
847-467-1047djohanns@northwestern.eduInformation TechnologyJ

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan

Johnson, Matthew
Associate Dean for Faculty
847-491-2629matthew-johnson@northwestern.eduDean's Office, FacultyJ

Office Location: Kresge 2-515

Kalugin, Sergei
Senior Developer
847-467-5655sergei.kalugin@northwestern.eduInformation TechnologyK
Eli  Kean

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan Road

Kean, Eli
Weinberg College Advisor
847-491-8916eli.kean@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingK

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan Road

Kim, Elizabeth
Assistant Dean for Faculty Advancement

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan

Kim, Joey
Program Assistant 2 AdvisingK

Office Location:

Kreindler, Joseph
Program Assistant, Waldron Student-Alumni Connections Program
847-491-4583joseph.kreindler@northwestern.eduAlumni and DevelopmentK

Office Location:

LaSage, Tiffany
Manager of Research Administration (P&A/EPS)
847-467-7687tiffany.lasage@northwestern.eduResearch Funding and AdministrationL

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan Road

Leach, Quinn
Senior Program Coordinator for Faculty Affairs

Office Location:

Lonergan, Erin
Research Administrator (P&A)
847-467-4243erin.lonergan1@northwestern.eduResearch Funding and AdministrationL

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan

Machek, Marie
Dean's Assistant, Office Administrator
847-491-3276marie.machek@northwestern.eduDean's OfficeM
Tyler Maclean

Office Location: 619 Emerson


Tyler’s primary roles are building and maintaining the IT infrastructure of Weinberg College and advanced troubleshooting and support for the members of the college. He also works with the greater Northwestern IT community in developing new services and technologies in an effort to improve the computing experience for users all over the University. Tyler is a graduate of Northwestern with a degree in Computer Science.

Maclean, Tyler
DevOps Engineer Senior
847-491-1075t-maclean@northwestern.eduInformation TechnologyM
Michael Maltenfort

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan

About: Michael Maltenfort is a Weinberg College Adviser and Assistant Professor of Instruction  in Mathematics. He earned his bachelor's degree in mathematics from Cornell University, and his doctorate, also in mathematics, from the University of Chicago.  Following graduation, he was a Peace Corps volunteer in Kenya.  He then returned to Chicago, where he briefly taught at DePaul University and Loyola University before joining the faculty at Truman College, where he taught from 2002 to 2013.
Maltenfort, Michael
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916malt@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingM

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan

Marshall, Ann
Director, Undergraduate Academic Affairs
847-491-3284a-marshall@northwestern.eduUndergraduate StudiesM
Christine McCary

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan Road

About: Christine McCary received her BS from the University of Maryland at College Park, where she studied Cellular/Molecular Biology & Genetics. She earned her PhD in Immunology from Northwestern in 2011, focusing on the differential effects of vitamin E isoforms on activation of PKC-alpha and on a mouse model of allergic asthma. Christine is currently the assistant dean for academic advising in Weinberg College.
McCary, Christine
Assistant Dean for Academic Advising
847-491-8916christine.mccary@northwestern.eduUndergraduate StudiesM
Almaz  Mesghina

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan Road

Mesghina, Almaz
Weinberg College Advisor
847-491-8916mesghina@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingM

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan

Mojica, Faith
Program Coordinator
847-467-3546faith.mojica@northwestern.eduUndergraduate StudiesM

Office Location: 619 Emerson

About: Sloane Moore is a Business Analyst on the Functional Solutions team in Weinberg IT Solutions (WITS). She provides technical consulting and end-to-end development for business process automations, with expertise in Smartsheet, Microsoft SharePoint, and Microsoft Power Platform implementations. Sloane earned a BA in Music and International Relations from Brown University and an MBA (specializing in Marketing and Finance) from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Moore, Sloane
Business Analyst Senior
847-467-4801sloane.moore@northwestern.eduInformation TechnologyM

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan

Nissen, Zachary
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916zachary.nissen@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingN
James O'Laughlin

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan


James O’Laughlin teaches in the Cook Family Writing Program and is a Weinberg College Adviser.  He has been named to the Associated Student Government (ASG) Faculty Honor Roll and has received the Distinguished Teaching Award from Northwestern’s School of Professional Studies. He has taught a wide range of courses, including: first-year seminars on environmentalism and on postcolonialism and writing in Ireland; modes of writing; reading and writing fiction; reading and writing creative nonfiction; and intermediate composition. 

O'Laughlin, James
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916j-olaughlin@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingO
Laura Panko

Office Location: 619 Emerson


As the Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Assessment, Laura works with the faculty of Weinberg College on undergraduate curricular initiatives and assessment plans, and serves on a variety of committees and working groups pertaining to undergraduate education in Weinberg. She is also a Senior Lecturer in the Program in Biological Sciences. She earned her bachelor's degree from Cornell University and her doctorate from the University of Chicago. Laura joined Weinberg as a College Adviser in 2004 and moved to her current position in 2016.  Before coming to Northwestern she worked at Lake Forest College as a Lecturer in Biology and Associate Dean of Students.

Panko, Laura
Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Assessment
847-491-8916l-panko@northwestern.eduUndergraduate StudiesP

Office Location: 1201 Davis

Petoskey, Cassie
Assoc Dir, Waldron Student-Alumni Connection Program
847-467-2333cassie.petoskey@northwestern.eduAlumni and DevelopmentP
Francesca Petty

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan


Fran assists the Dean with communications and administrative functions. She also administratively supports faculty affairs processes. She earned a degree in journalism at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and an MEd at the University of Massachusetts in Boston. She has served the Dean's Office since 2008.

Petty, Francesca
Chief of Staff
847-467-4172f-petty@northwestern.eduDean's OfficeP

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan Rd

Post, Amy
Associate Dean of Finance & Business Operations's OfficeP
Adrian Randolph

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan


Adrian Randolph is dean of the Judd A. and Marjorie Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Art History. He joined Northwestern University on July 1, 2015.

Randolph, Adrian
Dean of the College
847-491-3276weinberg-dean@northwestern.eduDean's OfficeR
Andrew Rivers

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan Road


Andrew is a Weinberg College Adviser and Associate Professor of Instruction in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. He earned his PhD from the University of New Mexico with a research focus on extragalactic radio astronomy. Courses taught at Northwestern include the foundational physics sequence and survey courses in astronomy. He received the Distinguished Teaching Award in Weinberg in 2008 and has been named to the ASG honor roll on several occasions. Andrew is an active faculty fellow in the Residential College (RC) system, having served as faculty master of the CCS RC for several years.

Rivers, Andrew
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916ajrivers@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingR
Deborah Rosenberg

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan


Deborah Rosenberg is a College Adviser and Assistant Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. She received her BA from Wesleyan University with majors in English and Spanish. Deborah earned her PhD in 2004 from the University of Chicago, where she wrote a dissertation on the role of the picaresque novel in Spanish national identity formation. She joined Northwestern in 2005 and has taught many courses in the department, including language courses at various levels and first-year seminars on Spanish and Latin American literature. In her free time, Deborah likes to travel and try out restaurants around Chicago with her family.

Rosenberg, Deborah
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916deborah-rosenberg@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingR
Fay Rosner

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan Road


Fay is a College Adviser and Lecturer in French, teaching second-year language courses, the French writing workshop, and a freshman seminar on Proust and the arts. She also serves as a Faculty Fellow in the College of Community and Cultural Studies. Before completing her PhD in French at the University of Chicago, she directed the Office of Career Services at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Fay holds a BA. in French and BS in psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana. She enjoys going to chamber music concerts at Northwestern and singing in the Northwestern Music Academy chorus.

Rosner, Fay
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916f-rosner@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingR
Tamara Rosner

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan


Tammy joined Weinberg College's Office of Faculty Affairs in 2010 after working at the Illinois Institute of Technology and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. She earned her bachelor's degree in psychology and sociology from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She spends her spare time with her family and dog, Paddington, in Highland Park.

Rosner, Tamara
Associate Director for Faculty Affairs
Alex Ruiz

Office Location: 619 Emerson

Ruiz, Alex
DevOps Engineer
847-467-1685a-ruiz@northwestern.eduInformation TechnologyR

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan Road

Russell, Kate
Program Assistant 4
Michael Satut

Office Location: 619 Emerson

About: Michael Satut is the Chief Information Officer for Weinberg College. He is responsible for strategic planning, operations, staff management, service/support, finance and partnerships in the area of information technology for the College.  Michael has been with Northwestern since 2001, serving previously as the Director of IT for The Graduate School and at Northwestern IT in a variety of roles managing and directing IT support services to staff, faculty and students. Mike holds a Master of Science in Communication, Systems Strategy and Management, from Northwestern University and a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Michigan.
Satut, Michael
Chief Information Officer
847-467-2888michael.satut@northwestern.eduInformation Technology, Dean's OfficeS
Bill Savage

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan


A lifelong resident of Rogers Park, Bill has been a College Adviser in the Weinberg Office of Undergraduate Studies and Advising since 2002, and is an Associate Professor of Instruction in the Department of English. He earned his BA in English (Summa Cum Laude) at Loyola University Chicago and wrote his doctoral dissertation at Northwestern on the literary reputation of Nelson Algren. His scholarship and teaching focuses on Chicago literature and history, material aspects of literary culture (including book covers and bookstores), and American popular culture (especially baseball and comic books). As a bureaucrat, he loves doing Study Abroad paperwork.

Savage, Bill
Weinberg College Adviser Undergraduate AdvisingS

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan Road, 3rd floor


Ryan is responsible for Weinberg graduate student program administration and works with The Graduate School to support student initiatives.

Sawicki, Ryan
Director, Graduate Studies
847-467-1058ryan.sawicki@northwestern.eduGraduate ProgramsS

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan

Schmitt, Michael
Associate Dean for Research
847-491-2223m-schmitt@northwestern.eduResearch Funding and Administration, Dean's OfficeS

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan

Schueneman, Holly
Sr. Director of Finance
847-491-7497h-schueneman@northwestern.eduFinance and AdministrationS

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan

Shipman, Andrew
Program Assistant 4
847-467-7560andrew.shipman@northwestern.eduUndergraduate StudiesS

Office Location: 1201 Davis


Ashley Sinnott is Director of Development for Weinberg College. She works with Weinberg alumni and friends to build relationships and facilitate support for Weinberg College. Prior to this role, Ashley managed the Obama Foundation's Chicago Campaign raising funds to build the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago. She also served at the University of Chicago with roles in leadership giving and regional major gifts. Ashley received her Bachelors from Notre Dame and her MA from University of Chicago.

Sinnott, Ashley
Senior Director of Development
847-491-4985ashley.sinnott@northwestern.eduAlumni and DevelopmentS

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan Road

Siroky, Rebecca
Assistant Director
847-491-3569rebecca.siroky@northwestern.eduUndergraduate StudiesS

Office Location: Kresge 2-515

Sison, Cecile-Anne
Instruction Technology Lead
847-491-7763c-sison2@northwestern.eduInformation TechnologyS
Elizabeth Smith

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan

About: Elizabeth Smith is a College Adviser and Lecturer in the Anthropology Department. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1991 with a double major in Anthropology and Comparative Literature and a certificate in African Studies. While working at the Social Research Center at the American University in Cairo for three years, she began an MA in Anthropology. She went on to receive her MA (1999) and PhD (2006) in Sociocultural Anthropology from New York University. Prior to coming to Northwestern, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of California-Berkeley (2006) an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Vermont (2006-13). Professor Smith’s research and publications address the roles of race, ethnicity, and gender in nostalgia about Nubians in Egyptian popular culture. She has written about race and media images of Nubians, peoples’ identification with archaeological sites in nostalgia for Nubia, and how photographs of Nubia circulate in Egypt and globally.  More recently, she began research on the use of induced lactation in orphan fostering in Egypt. Professor Smith is an improvisational fiber artist and restores vintage sewing machines.
Smith, Elizabeth
Weinberg College Adviser Undergraduate AdvisingS

Office Location: 1201 Davis

Smith, Jill
Associate Director of Development, Operations
847-467-1902Jill.smith@northwestern.eduAlumni and DevelopmentS

Office Location: 1201 Davis

Taylor, Katie
Director of Development
847-467-3231katie-taylor@northwestern.eduAlumni and DevelopmentT

Office Location: Kresge 2-515

Taylor, Matthew
MADS Director Information TechnologyT

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan

Thalmann, Carissa
Program Coordinator
7-3517carissa.thalmann@northwestern.eduUndergraduate Studies, Undergraduate AdvisingT
Sheree Trimuel-Jackson

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan


Sheree grew up in Rogers park and joined Northwestern in 2000. She has worked at the Registrar’s Office, Student Loans, and then became a part of the Dean’s Office in 2006.  She supervises staff operations in 1908 Sheridan and 617 Emerson.

Trimuel-Jackson, Sheree
Program Coordinator
847-491-8916s-trimuel@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingT

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan


As the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Liz manages the personnel, policies, and resources of the Weinberg Office of Undergraduate Studies and Advising.

Trubey, Liz
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs
847-491-7560eft@northwestern.eduDean's Office, Undergraduate StudiesT

Office Location: 1918 Sheridan Road

Turek, Danny
Program Assistant 4
Marcelo Vinces

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan Road


Marcelo Vinces is a Weinberg College Adviser and Assistant Professor of Instruction in Biology. He earned his bachelor's degree in biology from Cornell University, and his doctorate in molecular microbiology from Tufts University. He did his postdoctoral training at Harvard University and KU Leuven in Belgium, followed by a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowship at the National Science Foundation. Previous to Northwestern, which he joined in 2018, Marcelo worked at Oberlin College. His research interests include the molecular biology of fungi and evolution of gene expression. In addition he has studied issues related to STEM education including teaching quantitative reasoning skills, community outreach, broadening participation of historically underrepresented minorities, and public policy. He is an active member of SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicano and Native Americans in the Sciences), and besides science research and education, his other love is languages, enjoying conversation in Spanish, French, German, Dutch and learning more when he can. Marcelo was born in Ecuador, grew up in Brooklyn, New York, and is a new resident of Chicago.

Vinces, Marcelo
Weinberg College Adviser
847-491-8916marcelo.vinces@northwestern.eduUndergraduate AdvisingV

Office Location:

Vineyard, Kitty
Manager of Research Administration
847-491-1016katherine.vineyard@northwestern.eduResearch Funding and AdministrationV
Robert  Ward

Office Location: 1908 Sheridan Road

Ward, Robert
Weinberg College Advisor Undergraduate AdvisingW

Office Location:

Winkleblack, Claire
Program Coordinator
847-467-1760claire.winkleblack@northwestern.eduUndergraduate StudiesW
Constance Wright

Office Location: 1922 Sheridan


Constance is the Assistant Dean of Academic Standing for Weinberg College.  She is responsible for undergraduate registration related exceptions and the probation and dismissal processes within the College.  Constance has a BA in Sociology from North Carolina State University, a Juris Doctor from the John Marshall Law School, and a Masters of Education in Higher Education Administration from Loyola University Chicago. 

Wright, Constance
Assistant Dean Academic Standing
847-491-7560constance.wright@northwestern.eduUndergraduate StudiesW