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Northwestern University

Preparing a CV for Promotion Review


Use the guidelines below to prepare your CV or download a PDF version of Preparing a CV for Promotion Review.


The CV should be up-to-date and should carry the date, month, and year when it was prepared.


Optional: local address, phone, etc.

Major Professional Interest(s)

E.g., low-temperature physics; econometrics; eighteenth-century French literature.


Colleges and universities attended, degrees, and dates. It is helpful to reviewers if the candidate identifies her/his/their dissertation mentor and, if applicable, postdoctoral adviser(s) as well.

Pre-Doctoral Awards, Honors, and Fellowships with Dates

E.g., Phi Beta Kappa; Fulbright Fellowship for graduate research in Italy; National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, etc.

Postdoctoral Recognition with Dates

Awards, honors, and fellowships, e.g., National Institutes of Health Research Career Development Award, National Endowment for the Humanities Senior Fellowship, National Book Award, etc.


This should be an itemized list, with affiliations and dates. It is advisable to account for all of the time since the undergraduate degree: military service, work in industry, postdoctoral and other research appointments, faculty appointments (including ranks). Joint faculty appointments in other departments, schools or centers, etc., should be included.

Research Support

Past, present, pending: An itemized, complete list of projects supported by grants from NU and elsewhere, each item to include co-investigators if any (principal investigator first), full title, source of funds, dollar amount, dates active, etc., with the same details for pending grant applications.

Publications (or Analogous Activities in the Arts)

Each item describing a scholarly book or monograph, textbook, article, review, edition, translation, etc., should be full and clear. All authors should be named, together with the complete title of each publication (when first mentioned at least); the name, volume number, issue number, and date of the journal or publisher, and the inclusive pagination of the item. Please check these items for accuracy.

If a publication has multiple authors, please indicate whether co-authors are students or postdocs by underlining their names and providing a key at the beginning of the “Publications” section (e.g.: “underlined names indicate student or postdoc co-authors”) or by starring these names and inserting a footnote (e.g., “ *starred names indicate student or postdoc co-authors”).

Finally, publications supplied in the dossier should be presented in chronological order with the most recent publication at the top.  The publications should be numbered consecutively (do not repeat numbers) in descending order (i.e., the most recent pub assigned the highest number). The number of a publication on the CV should correspond to the number used in the publication’s naming convention (for example, Smith_publication_14). We are asking that publications be arranged in chronological descending order in case a new publication comes in during the review period. The idea is to add the latest publication to the top of the list instead of having to renumber every item, which means that the publications in Faculty Folio RPT would also need to be renumbered – a time-consuming task if a dossier consists of many publications.

If you have many categories of publications, you may wish to arrange the items by categories, then by chronological order within each category.

Here’s an example from a mock CV with many categories of publications:

16. ABC (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021)
15. DEF (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013)

Peer-reviewed journal articles
14. “GHI,” Journal A 130 (2020): 215-245
13. “JKL,” Journal B 129 (2019): 111-133

If a new book is published during the review book, then the book will be assigned the highest number in an updated CV (or in the example above as item 17). If the new publication is a peer-reviewed journal article, in the example above the new item would be listed as item 14B.

Work Now in Progress

Titles and status of the papers. Also a paragraph or more describing work underway or in advanced stages of planning. This section should be written for an audience composed of scholars in the field.

Professional Talks

Lectures, colloquia, panel appearances, talks, seminars, etc., with particulars: what, where, when, auspices, etc.

Leaves of Absence

Dates, substantive research topics, sources of support, dollar amounts, locales where research was undertaken (name of library, laboratory, etc.). Only research leaves should be listed (and not medical, childbearing, adoption, childrearing, and other types of leaves).

Peer-Review and Related Activities

Memberships on panels evaluating research proposals; editorships; committees considering colleagues for honors; readerships for scholarly journals or presses; etc.

Major Consultancies in the Public and Private Sectors

Professional Affiliations and Service

Memberships, offices, and related activities, e.g., the planning and convening of scholarly conferences.

Other Matters Related to Research and Publication

Teaching and Advising

The detail in this category would be unusual in a routine CV, but full particulars are required of candidates for the grant of tenure or promotion to full professor.

Department, College, and University Service (over at least the last five years)

Community Work: Public Offices, etc.