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Northwestern University

Courses Approved for Foundational Disciplines

NOTE: Students who started taking classes at Northwestern in Spring 2023 or earlier should refer to the Courses Approved for Distribution Credit. The information below pertains to students who start at Northwestern after Spring 2023.


2023-2024 Courses

Information will be posted to these lists as it becomes available. Some courses on the lists will not be offered in 2023-24, but in a future year. Certain courses appear on more than one list, but courses approved in more than one foundational area may not be counted in more than one area at the same time (i.e. not double-counted between foundational areas).

Starting September 2023 please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for full lists. This page will only include mid-year updates.

Foundational Disciplines
Foundational Discipline - Natural Sciences
Subject Number Title
ANTHRO 213-0 Human Origins
ANTHRO 275-0 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology
ANTHRO 309-0 Human Osteology
ANTHRO 316-0 Forensic Anthropology
ANTHRO 375-0 Advanced Methods in Forensic Anthropology
ANTHRO 386-0 Methods in Human Biology Research
ASTRON 101-0 Modern Cosmology
ASTRON 102-0 Milky Way Galaxy
ASTRON 103-0 Solar System
ASTRON 111-0 Introduction to Astrobiology
ASTRON 120-0 Highlights of Astronomy
BIOL_SCI 103-0 Diversity of Life
BIOL_SCI 109-0 The Nature of Plants
BIOL_SCI 150-0 Human Genetics
BIOL_SCI 164-0 Basic Genetics and Evolution
BIOL_SCI 201-0 Molecular Biology
CHEM 131-0 General Chemistry 1
CHEM 132-0 General Chemistry 2
CHEM 151-0 Accelerated General Chemistry 1
CHEM 152-0 Accelerated General Chemistry 2
CHEM 171-0 Advanced General Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 172-0 Advanced General Physical Chemistry
CHEM 215-1 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 215-2 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 217-1 Accelerated Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 217-2 Accelerated Organic Chemistry II
COG_SCI 210-0 Language and the Brain
EARTH 101-0 Earth Science for the 21st Century
EARTH 106-0 The Ocean, the Atmosphere & Our Climate
EARTH 114-0 Evolution and the Scientific Method
EARTH 201-0 Earth Systems Revealed
EARTH 202-0 Earth's Interior
EARTH 203-0 Earth System History
EARTH 300-0 Earth and Planetary Materials
LING 250-0 Sound Patterns in Human Language
LING 350-0 Fundamentals of Lab Phonology
PHYSICS 103-0 Ideas of Physics
PHYSICS 125-1 General Physics for ISP
PHYSICS 125-2 General Physics for ISP
PHYSICS 125-3 General Physics for ISP
PHYSICS 130-1 College Physics
PHYSICS 130-2 College Physics
PHYSICS 130-3 College Physics
PHYSICS 135-1 General Physics
PHYSICS 135-2 General Physics
PHYSICS 135-3 General Physics
PHYSICS 140-1 Fundamentals of Physics
PHYSICS 140-2 Fundamentals of Physics
PHYSICS 140-3 Fundamentals of Physics
PHYSICS 239-0 Foundations of Modern Physics
PSYCH 221-0 Introduction to Neuroscience (or may be applied to FD-SBS)
PSYCH 324-0 Perception
PSYCH 328-0 Brain Damage and the Mind (or may be applied to FD-SBS)

Foundational Discipline - Empirical and Deductive Reasoning
BIOL_SCI 337-0 Biostatistics
BIOL_SCI 338-0 Modeling Biological Dynamics
COG_SCI 202-0 Evaluating Evidence (with POLI_SCI 212-0)
COMP_SCI 110-0 Introduction to Computer Programming
COMP_SCI 111-0 Fundamentals of Computer Programming
COMP_SCI 150-0 Fundamentals of Computer Programming 1.5
LING 260-0 Formal Analysis of Words & Sentences
LING 270-0 Meaning
LING 330-0 Research Methods in Linguistics
LING 334-0 Introduction to Computational Linguistics
MATH 100-0 Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 202-0 Finite Mathematics
MATH 211-0 Short Course in Calculus
MATH 218-1 Single-Variable Calculus with Precalculus
MATH 218-2 Single-Variable Calculus with Precalculus
MATH 218-3 Single-Variable Calculus with Precalculus
MATH 220-1 Single-Variable Differential Calculus
MATH 220-2 Single-Variable Integral Calculus
MATH 226-0 Sequences and Series
MATH 228-1 Multivariable Differential Calculus for Engineering
MATH 228-2 Multivariable Integral Calculus for Engineering
MATH 230-1 Multivariable Differential Calculus
MATH 230-2 Multivariable Integral Calculus
MATH 235-0 Series and Multiple Integrals (with STAT 228-0)
MATH 240-0 Linear Algebra
MATH 250-0 Elementary Differential Equations
MATH 281-1 Accelerated Mathematics for ISP: First Year
MATH 281-2 Accelerated Mathematics for ISP: First Year
MATH 281-3 Accelerated Mathematics for ISP: First Year
MATH 285-1 Accelerated Mathematics for MMSS: First Year
MATH 285-2 Accelerated Mathematics for MMSS: First Year
MATH 285-3 Accelerated Mathematics for MMSS: First Year
MATH 290-1 MENU: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus
MATH 290-2 MENU: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus
MATH 290-3 MENU: Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus
MATH 291-1 MENU: Intensive Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus
MATH 291-2 MENU: Intensive Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus
MATH 291-3 MENU: Intensive Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus
PHIL 150-0 Elementary Logic I
PHIL 250-0 Elementary Logic II
POLI_SCI 210-0 Introduction to Empirical Methods in Political Science
POLI_SCI 212-0 Evaluating Evidence (with COG_SCI 202-0)
POLI_SCI 312-0 Statistical Research Methods
PSYCH 201-0 Statistical Methods in Psychology
PSYCH 205-0 Research Methods in Psychology
PSYCH 333-0 Psychology of Thinking (or may be applied to FD-SBS)
STAT 201-0 Introduction to Programming for Data Science
STAT 202-0 Introduction to Statistics and Data Science
STAT 210-0 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
STAT 228-0 Series and Multiple Integrals (with MATH 235-0)
Foundational Discipline - Social and Behavioral Sciences
Subject Number Title
AF_AM_ST 214-0 Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies1
AF_AM_ST 215-0 Introduction to Black Social & Political Life1
AF_AM_ST 236-0 Introduction to African-Amercian Studies (or may be applied to FD-LA)1
AF_AM_ST 320-0 Social Meaning of Race1
AF_AM_ST 365-0 Black Chicago1
ANTHRO 211-0 Culture and Society2
ANTHRO 214-0 Archaeology: Unearthing History
ANTHRO 215-0 Study of Culture Through Language2
ANTHRO 221-0 Social and Health Inequalities1
ANTHRO 235-0 Language in Asian America (with ASIAN_AM 235-0)1
ANTHRO 322-0 Introduction to Archeology Research Design & Methods
ANTHRO 357-0 Biocultural Perspectives on Water Insecurity (with GBL_HLTH 357-0)
ANTHRO 368-0 Latina and Latino Ethnography
ANTHRO 382-0 Political Ecology (with ENVR_POL 384-0)1
ANTHRO 383-0 Environmental Anthropology (with ENVR_POL 383-0)2
ANTHRO 389-0 Ethnographic Methods and Analysis
ASIAN_AM 235-0 Language in Asian America (with ANTHRO 235-0)1
ASIAN_AM 251-0 Introduction to Critical Mixed Race Studies (with BLK_ST 251-0)1
BLK_ST 251-0 Introduction to Critical Mixed Race Studies (with ASIAN_AM 251-0)1
BLK_ST 317-0 Black Political Thought1
BUS_INST 303-0 Leadership in Organizations
COG_SCI 110-0 Introduction to Cognitive Science
COG_SCI 211-0 Learning, Representation and Reasoning
COG_SCI 345-0 Presenting Ideas and Data (with PSYCH 345-0)
COMM_ST 381-0 Media, Movements, & Social Change
ECON 201-0 Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON 202-0 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 310-1 Microeconomics
ECON 311-0 Macroeconomics
ENVR_POL 212-0 Environment and Society (with SOCIOL 212-0)1
ENVR_POL 337-0 Hazard, Disaster and Society (with GBL_HLTH 337-0)2
ENVR_POL 338-0 Environmental Justice (with GBL_HLTH 338-0)2
ENVR_POL 340-0 Global Environments and World History (with HISTORY 376-0) (or may be applied to FD-HS)2
ENVR_POL 383-0 Environmental Anthropology (with ANTHRO 383-0)
ENVR_POL 384-0 Political Ecology (with ANTHRO 382-0)1
GBL_HLTH 201-0 Introduction to Global Health2
GBL_HLTH 221-0 Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health and Pleasure (with GNDR_ST 221-0)1
GBL_HLTH 222-0 The Social Determinants of Health
GBL_HLTH 306-0 Biomedicine and Culture2
GBL_HLTH 309-0 Biomedicine and World History (with HISTORY 379-0) (or FD-HS)2
GBL_HLTH 318-0 Community-based Participatory Research1
GBL_HLTH 319-0 Trauma and its Afterlives
GBL_HLTH 320-0 Qualitative Research Methods in Global Health
GBL_HLTH 321-0 War and Public Health2
GBL_HLTH 323-0 Global Health from Policy to Practice2
GBL_HLTH 337-0 Hazard, Disaster and Society (with ENVR_POL 337-0)2
GBL_HLTH 338-0 Environmental Justice (with ENVR_POL 338-0)2
GBL_HLTH 340-0 Mental Health and the Arts
GBL_HLTH 357-0 Biocultural Perspectives on Water Insecurity (with ANTHRO 357-0)
GEOG 240-0 Economic Geography
GNDR_ST 221-0 Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health and Pleasure (with GBL_HLTH 221-0)1
GNDR_ST 340-0 Gender, Sexuality and the Law (with LEGAL_ST 340-0)1
HISTORY 249-0 The End of Citizenship (or may be applied to FD-HS)2
HISTORY 251-0 The Politics of Disaster: A Global Environmental History (or may be applied to FD-HS)2
HISTORY 260-2 History of Latin America (or FD-HS)2
HISTORY 353-0 History of Capitalism (or FD-HS)2
HISTORY 354-0 History of Socialism (or FD-HS)2
HISTORY 367-0 History of Mexico (or FD-HS)2
HISTORY 370-0 Music and Nation in Latin America (or FD-HS)2
HISTORY 376-0 Global Environments and World History (with ENVR_POL 340-0) (or may be applied to FD-HS)2
HISTORY 379-0 Biomedicine and World History (with GBL_HLTH 309-0) (or FD-HS)2
HISTORY 386-0 Southeast Asia: Decolonization & Independence (or FD-HS)2
HUM 220-0 Health, Biomedicine, Culture, and Society (with SOCIOL 220-0)1
LATINO 203-0 Latina-o Cultural Studies
LATINO 392-0 Topics in Latina and Latino Social and Political Issues
LEGAL_ST 206-0 Law and Society (with SOCIOL 206-0)1
LEGAL_ST 207-0 Legal Studies Research Methods (with SOCIOL 227-0)
LEGAL_ST 315-0 Corporation in US Law and Culture
LEGAL_ST 332-0 Constitutional Law I (with POLI_SCI 332-0)
LEGAL_ST 333-0 Constitutional Law II: Civil and Political Rights (with POLI_SCI 333-0)1
LEGAL_ST 340-0 Gender, Sexuality and the Law (with GNDR_ST 340-0)1
LEGAL_ST 348-0 Race, Politics, and the Law (with SOCIOL 348-0)1
LEGAL_ST 356-0 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (with POLI_SCI 356-0)2
LING 220-0 Language and Society1
LING 312-0 Experimental Sociolinguistics1
LING 315-0 Experimental Approaches to Word Form Processing
LING 320-0 Sociolinguistics1
LING 321-0 Bilingualism
PHIL 253-0 Introduction to the Philosophy of Language
POLI_SCI 201-0 Introduction to Political Theory
POLI_SCI 211-0 Introduction to Interpretive Methods in Political Science
POLI_SCI 220-0 American Government and Politics1
POLI_SCI 230-0 Introduction ot Law in the Political Arena1
POLI_SCI 240-0 Introduction to International Relations2
POLI_SCI 250-0 Introduction to Comparative Politics2
POLI_SCI 307-0 Deportation Law and Politics1
POLI_SCI 320-0 The American Presidency
POLI_SCI 321-0 Urban Politics1
POLI_SCI 324-0 Political Parties and Elections
POLI_SCI 325-0 Congress and the Legislative Process
POLI_SCI 326-0 Race and Public Policy1
POLI_SCI 327-0 African American Politics1
POLI_SCI 328-0 Public Policy
POLI_SCI 332-0 Constitutional Law I (with LEGAL_ST 332-0)
POLI_SCI 333-0 Constitutional Law II: Civil and Political Rights (with LEGAL_ST 333-0)1
POLI_SCI 334-0 Latino Politics1
POLI_SCI 335-0 Political Psychology
POLI_SCI 336-0 Immigration Politics and Policy1
POLI_SCI 337-0 Gender and Politics
POLI_SCI 341-0 International Political Economy2
POLI_SCI 343-0 Politics of International Law2
POLI_SCI 344-0 U.S. Foreign Policy
POLI_SCI 345-0 National Security
POLI_SCI 348-0 Globalization
POLI_SCI 350-0 Social Movements2
POLI_SCI 351-0 Politics of the Middle East2
POLI_SCI 352-0 Global Development (with SOCIOL 317-0)2
POLI_SCI 354-0 Politics of Southeast Asia2
POLI_SCI 355-0 Politics of China
POLI_SCI 356-0 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (with LEGAL_ST 356-0)2
POLI_SCI 359-0 Politics of Africa2
POLI_SCI 361-0 Democracy and Autocracy
POLI_SCI 362-0 Politics of Europe2
POLI_SCI 364-SA France: Politics, Culture & Society
POLI_SCI 374-0 Politics of Capitalism2
POLI_SCI 376-0 Civil Wars2
POLI_SCI 377-0 Drugs and Politics2
POLI_SCI 384-0 International Responses to Mass Atrocities2
POLI_SCI 388-0 Institutions and Society (with SOCIOL 288-0)
PSYCH 110-0 Introduction to Psychology
PSYCH 213-0 Social Psychology
PSYCH 215-0 Psychology of Personality
PSYCH 221-0 Introduction to Neuroscience (or may be applied to FD-NS)
PSYCH 228-0 Cognitive Psychology
PSYCH 244-0 Developmental Psychology
PSYCH 303-0 Psychopathology
PSYCH 313-0 Relationship Science
PSYCH 317-0 The Holocaust: Psychological Themes & Perspectives2
PSYCH 328-0 Brain Damage and the Mind (or may be applied to FD-NS)
PSYCH 333-0 Psychology of Thinking (or may be applied to FD-EDR)
PSYCH 345-0 Presenting Ideas and Data (with COG_SCI 345-0)
SOCIOL 110-0 Introduction to Sociology
SOCIOL 202-0 Social Problems
SOCIOL 206-0 Law and Society (with LEGAL_ST 206-0)1
SOCIOL 207-0 Cities in Society
SOCIOL 210-0 Families and Society1
SOCIOL 212-0 Environment and Society (with ENVR_POL 212-0)1
SOCIOL 216-0 Gender and Society1
SOCIOL 218-0 Education and Inequality: Focus on Chicago1
SOCIOL 220-0 Health, Biomedicine, Culture, and Society (with HUM 220-0)1
SOCIOL 223-0 Masculinities and Society1
SOCIOL 227-0 Legal Studies Research Methods (with LEGAL_ST 207-0)
SOCIOL 235-0 Critical Thought on Race and Ethnicity1
SOCIOL 276-0 Introductory Topics in Sociology
SOCIOL 288-0 Institutions and Society (with POLI_SCI 388-0)
SOCIOL 302-0 Sociology of Organizations
SOCIOL 305-0 Population Dynamics2
SOCIOL 307-0 School and Society1
SOCIOL 309-0 Political Sociology
SOCIOL 310-0 Sociology of the Family1
SOCIOL 317-0 Global Development (with POLI_SCI 352-0)2
SOCIOL 320-0 Gender, Health and Medicine1
SOCIOL 327-0 Youth and Society1
SOCIOL 343-0 Social Networks
SOCIOL 348-0 Race, Politics, and the Law (with LEGAL_ST 348-0)1
SOCIOL 376-0 Topics in Sociological Analysis
SOCIOL 392-0 Seminars

1 Also Overlay 1: U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity

2 Also Overlay 2: Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity

Foundational Discipline - Historical Studies
Subject Number Title
AF_AM_ST 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (with HISTORY 212-2)1
AF_AM_ST 220-0 Civil Rights and Black Liberation1
ANTHRO 327-0 Historical Archaeology
ANTHRO 329-0 Archaeology and Nationalism (with HUM 329-0)2
ANTHRO 370-0 Anthropology in Historical Perspective
ART_HIST 222-0 Introduction to Art of the African Diaspora (or may be applied to FD-LA)2
ART_HIST 225-0 Introduction to Medieval Art (or may be applied to FD-LA)
ART_HIST 240-0 Introduction to Asian Art (or may be applied to FD-LA)2
ART_HIST 250-0 Introduction to Early Modern European Art (or may be applied to FD-LA)
ART_HIST 255-0 Introduction to Modernism (or may be applied to FD-LA)2
ART_HIST 330-1 Early Modern Art: Southern Europe c. 1400-1500 (or may be applied to FD-LA)
ART_HIST 342-0 Eighteenth-Century European Art (or may be applied to FD-LA)2
ART_HIST 350-1 19th Century Art 1: 1800-1848 (or may be applied to FD-LA)2
ART_HIST 350-2 19th Century Art 2: 1848-1900 (or may be applied to FD-LA)2
ART_HIST 360-1 20th Century Art 1 (or may be applied to FD-LA)2
ART_HIST 386-0 Art of Africa (or may be applied to FD-LA)2
BLK_ST 212-1 Introduction to African-American History: Key Concepts from 1700-1861 (with HISTORY 212-1)1
BLK_ST 362-0 Introduction to Black Religions (with RELIGION 362-0)1
CLASSICS 211-0 Greek History and Culture (or may be applied to FD-LA)
CLASSICS 212-0 Rome: Culture and Empire
CLASSICS 310-0 Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean (or may be applied to FD-LA)
CLASSICS 314-0 Topics in Ancient Science and Technology
CLASSICS 320-0 Greek and Roman History
CLASSICS 330-0 Ancient Economy
CLASSICS 380-0 Classical Reception Studies (or may be applied to FD-LA)
ENGLISH 302-0 History of the English Language (or may be applied to FD-LA)
ENVR_POL 309-0 American Environmental History (with HISTORY 309-0)1
ENVR_POL 340-0 Global Environments and World History (with HISTORY 376-0) (or may be applied to FD-SBS)2
GBL_HLTH 309-0 Biomedicine and World History (with HISTORY 379-0) (or FD-SBS)2
GBL_HLTH 325-0 History of Reproductive Health2
GERMAN 344-2 Germany Since 1945 (with HISTORY 344-2)
GNDR_ST 324-0 U.S. Gay and Lesbian History (with HISTORY 324-0)1
HISTORY 200-0 New Introductory Courses in History
HISTORY 201-1 Europe in the Medieval and Early Modern World2
HISTORY 201-2 Europe in the Modern World2
HISTORY 203-1 Jewish History 750-14922
HISTORY 210-1 History of the United States, Precolonial to the Civil War1
HISTORY 210-2 History of the United States, Reconstruction to the Present1
HISTORY 211-0 American Wars1
HISTORY 212-1 Introduction to African-American History: Key Concepts from 1700-1861 (with BLK_ST 212-1)1
HISTORY 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (with AF_AM_ST 212-2)1
HISTORY 215-0 History of the American Family
HISTORY 219-0 History of the Present
HISTORY 249-0 The End of Citizenship (or may be applied to FD-SBS)2
HISTORY 250-1 Global History I2
HISTORY 250-2 Global History II2
HISTORY 251-0 The Politics of Disaster: A Global Environmental History (or may be applied to FD-SBS)2
HISTORY 253-0 A Global History of Prisons and Camps (or FD-EET)2
HISTORY 254-0 Global Entrepreneurs
HISTORY 260-2 History of Latin America (with FD-SBS)2
HISTORY 275-1 History of Early Modern Science and Medicine2
HISTORY 275-2 History of Modern Science and Medicine2
HISTORY 286-0 World War II in Asia2
HISTORY 292-0 Introduction to Topics in History
HISTORY 300-0 New Lectures in History
HISTORY 309-0 American Environmental History (with ENVR_POL 309-0)1
HISTORY 310-1 Early American History: Conquest and Colonization, to 16881
HISTORY 319-0 History of US Foreign Relations1
HISTORY 324-0 U.S. Gay and Lesbian History (with GNDR_ST 324-0)1
HISTORY 327-0 Histories of Violence in the United States1
HISTORY 330-0 Medieval Sex
HISTORY 340-0 Gender, War, and Revolution in the 20th Century2
HISTORY 342-1 The French Revolution and Napoleon
HISTORY 343-0 Modern Italy
HISTORY 344-2 Germany Since 1945 (with GERMAN 344-2)
HISTORY 345-1 History of Russia: 800-1700
HISTORY 350-0 Soviet History Through Film (or FD-LA)
HISTORY 351-0 Europe in the Age of Total War (or may be applied to FD-EET)2
HISTORY 353-0 History of Capitalism (or FD-SBS)2
HISTORY 354-0 History of Socialism (or FD-SBS)2
HISTORY 367-0 History of Mexico (or FD-SBS)2
HISTORY 370-0 Music and Nation in Latin America (or FD-SBS)2
HISTORY 376-0 Global Environments and World History (with ENVR_POL 340-0) (or may be applied to FD-SBS)2
HISTORY 379-0 Biomedicine and World History (with GBL_HLTH 309-0) (or FD-SBS)2
HISTORY 381-3 China in Reform2
HISTORY 382-0 The Modern Japanese City2
HISTORY 385-1 From Taj to Raj: Early Modern India, ca 1500-18002
HISTORY 385-2 History of Modern South Asia2
HISTORY 386-2 History of Modern Southeast Asia Until 19452
HISTORY 386-3 Southeast Asia: Decolonization & Independence (or FD-SBS)2
HISTORY 393-0 Approaches to History
HISTORY 395-0 Research Seminar
HUM 329-0 Archaeology and Nationalism (with ANTHRO 329-0)2
LEGAL_ST 347-0 Comparative Race & Ethnicity1
RELIGION 362-0 Introduction to Black Religions (with BLK_ST 362-0)1
SLAVIC 390-0 Literature and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe

1 Also Overlay 1: U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity

2 Also Overlay 2: Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity

Foundational Discipline - Ethical and Evaluative Thinking
Subject Number Title
ANTHRO 232-0 Myth and Symbolism
ASIAN_LC 373-0 Religious and Textual Traditions in South Asia (or FD-LA)
CLASSICS 370-0 Greek and Roman Religion
COMP_LIT 207-0 Introduction to Critical Theory (with PHIL 220-0)2
COMP_SCI 260-0 Introduction to Law and Digital Technologies
ENGLISH 288-0 Topics in Literature and Ethics (or FD-LA)
ENGLISH 388-0 Studies in Literature and Ethics (or FD-LA)
FRENCH 277-0 French Existentialism (or FD-LA)
GBL_HLTH 302-0 Global Bioethics2
GBL_HLTH 324-0 Volunteerism and the Ethics of Help2
GERMAN 232-0 The Theme of Faust Through the Ages (or FD-LA)
GERMAN 272-0 Luther and the West (with RELIGION 272-0)
HISTORY 351-0 Europe in the Age of Total War (or FD-HS)2
HISTORY 253-0 A Global History of Prisons and Camps (or FD-HS)2
ISEN 230-0 Climate Change and Sustainability: Ethical Dimensions (with PHIL 270-0)2
LEGAL_ST 309-0 Political Theories of the Rule of Law (with POLI_SCI 309-0)
PHIL 110-0 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 210-1 History of Philosophy - Ancient
PHIL 210-3 History of Philosophy - Early Modern
PHIL 216-0 Introduction to Pragmatism
PHIL 219-0 Introduction to Existentialism
PHIL 220-0 Introduction to Critical Theory (with COMP_LIT 207-0)2
PHIL 222-0 Introduction to Africana Philosophy2
PHIL 224-0 Philosophy, Race, and Racism1
PHIL 240-0 Freedom and Responsibility
PHIL 254-0 Introduction to Philosophy of the Natural Sciences
PHIL 255-0 Theory of Knowledge
PHIL 260-0 Introduction to Moral Philosophy
PHIL 261-0 Introduction to Political Philosophy
PHIL 262-0 Ethical Problems and Public Issues1
PHIL 266-0 Philosophy of Religion
PHIL 268-0 Ethics and the Environment
PHIL 269-0 Bioethics
PHIL 270-0 Climate Change and Sustainability: Economic and Ethical Dimensions (with ISEN 230-0)2
PHIL 273-1 The Brady Scholars Program: The Good Life
PHIL 273-2 The Brady Scholars Program: The Moral Life
PHIL 273-3 The Brady Scholars Program: The Good Society
PHIL 326-0 Topics in Philosophy of Medicine
PHIL 364-0 Business and Professional Ethics
POLI_SCI 303-0 Modernity and Its Discontents
POLI_SCI 304-0 Human Rights Between East and West2
POLI_SCI 309-0 Political Theories of the Rule of Law (with LEGAL_ST 309-0)
POLI_SCI 347-0 Ethics in International Relations2
PSYCH 249-0 Buddhist Psychology
RELIGION 170-0 Introduction to the Study of Religion
RELIGION 172-0 Introduction to Religion, Media, and Culture
RELIGION 210-0 Introduction to Buddhism
RELIGION 220-0 Introduction to Hebrew Bible
RELIGION 221-0 Introduction to the New Testament
RELIGION 230-0 Introduction to Judaism
RELIGION 240-0 Introduction to Christianity
RELIGION 250-0 Introduction to Islam
RELIGION 272-0 Luther and the West (with GERMAN 272-0)
RELIGION 309-0 Topics in Hinduism
RELIGION 316-0 Religion and the Body in China
RELIGION 318-0 Topics in East Asian Religions
RELIGION 319-0 Topics in Buddhism (or FD-LA)
RELIGION 345-0 Sainthood in Christianity
RELIGION 349-0 Topics in Christianity
SPANISH 349-0 Critical Thought in Latin America2

1 Also Overlay 1: U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity

2 Also Overlay 2: Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity

Foundational Discipline - Literature and Art
Subject Number Title
AF_AM_ST 210-0 Survey of African American Literature1
AF_AM_ST 211-0 Literatures of the Black World
AF_AM_ST 236-0 Introduction to African-American Studies (or may be applied to FD-SBS)1
AF_AM_ST 350-0 Theorizing Blackness1
AF_AM_ST 360-0 Major Authors1
ART 272-0 Critical Methods for Contemporary Art
ART 372-0 Seminar
ART_HIST 222-0 Introduction to Art of the African Diaspora (or may be applied to FD-HS)2
ART_HIST 225-0 Introduction to Medieval Art (or may be applied to FD-HS)
ART_HIST 240-0 Introduction to Asian Art (or may be applied to FD-HS)2
ART_HIST 250-0 Introduction to Early Modern European Art (or may be applied to FD-HS)
ART_HIST 255-0 Introduction to Modernism (or may be applied to FD-HS)2
ART_HIST 330-1 Early Modern Art: Souther Europe c. 1400-1500 (or may be applied to FD-HS)
ART_HIST 342-0 Eighteenth-Century European Art (or may be applied to FD-HS)2
ART_HIST 350-1 19th Century Art 1: 1800-1848 (or may be applied to FD-HS)2
ART_HIST 350-2 19th Century Art 2: 1848-1900 (or may be applied to FD-HS)2
ART_HIST 360-1 20th Century Art 1 (or may be applied to FD-HS)2
ART_HIST 375-0 Media Theory (with HUM 225-0)
ART_HIST 386-0 Art of Africa (or may be applied to FD-HS)2
ASIAN_AM 275-0 Introduction to Asian American Literature (with ENGLISH 275-0)1
ASIAN_AM 276-0 Topics in Asian American Literature (with ENGLISH 276-0)1
ASIAN_LC 200-0 Introductory Topics in Chinese Culture
ASIAN_LC 221-0 Introduction to Premodern Japanese Literature and Culture
ASIAN_LC 222-0 Introduction to Modern Japanese Literature and Culture
ASIAN_LC 223-0 Introduction to Contemporary Japanese Literature and Culture
ASIAN_LC 224-0 Introduction to Japanese Film, Media, and Visual Culture
ASIAN_LC 240-0 Introductory Topics in Korean Literature and Culture
ASIAN_LC 260-0 Introductory Topics in South Asian Literature and Culture
ASIAN_LC 261-0 South Asian Popular Cultures
ASIAN_LC 265-0 South Asian Cinemas
ASIAN_LC 290-0 Introductory Topics in Asian Languages and Cultures
ASIAN_LC 321-0 Advanced Topics in Premodern Japanese Literature and Culture
ASIAN_LC 322-0 Advanced Topics in Modern Contemporary Japanese Literature and Culture
ASIAN_LC 340-0 Advanced Topics in Korean Literature and Culture
ASIAN_LC 370-0 Literary Cultures in South Asia
ASIAN_LC 391-0 Religious and Textual Traditions in Asia
ASIAN_LC 393-0 Asian Environmental Humanities2
BLK_ST 275-0 Africans and African Americans2
CLASSICS 211-0 Greek History and Culture (or may be applied to FD-HS)
CLASSICS 245-0 Classics and the Cinema
CLASSICS 310-0 Archaeology of the Ancient Mediterranean (or may be applied to FD-HS)
CLASSICS 340-0 Greek and Roman Drama
CLASSICS 350-0 Greek and Latin Literature
CLASSICS 380-0 Classical Reception Studies (or may be applied to FD-HS)
COMP_LIT 200-0 Introduction to Literary Theory
COMP_LIT 202-0 Interpreting Culture
COMP_LIT 270-0 Literatures in Translation
COMP_LIT 301-0 Studies in World Literature
COMP_LIT 303-0 Movements and Periods
COMP_LIT 312-0 Major Authors and Texts
ENGLISH 200-0 Literary Histories
ENGLISH 210-1 British Literary Traditions
ENGLISH 210-2 British Literary Traditions
ENGLISH 211-0 Introduction to Poetry
ENGLISH 212-0 Introduction to Drama
ENGLISH 213-0 Introduction to Fiction
ENGLISH 214-0 Introduction to Film and Its Literatures
ENGLISH 215-0 Topics in Literature, Film, and Media
ENGLISH 220-0 The Bible as Literature
ENGLISH 234-0 Introduction to Shakespeare
ENGLISH 266-0 Introduction to African American Literature1
ENGLISH 267-0 Topics in African American Literature1
ENGLISH 270-1 American Literary Traditions
ENGLISH 270-2 American Literary Traditions
ENGLISH 273-0 Introduction to 20th-Century American Literature
ENGLISH 274-0 Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Literatures1
ENGLISH 275-0 Introduction to Asian American Literature (with ASIAN_AM 275-0)1
ENGLISH 276-0 Topics in Asian American Literature (with ASIAN_AM 276-0)1
ENGLISH 277-0 Introduction to Latinx Literature (with LATINO 277-0  and SPANISH 277-0)1
ENGLISH 280-0 Introduction to Postcolonial Literature2
ENGLISH 281-0 Topics in Postcolonial Comparative Literatures2
ENGLISH 283-0 Introduction to Literature and the Environment
ENGLISH 284-0 Topics in Literature and the Environment
ENGLISH 285-0 Topics in Literature and Culture
ENGLISH 288-0 Topics in Literature and Ethics (or FD-EET)
ENGLISH 300-0 Seminar in Reading and Interpretation
ENGLISH 302-0 History of the English Language (or may be applied to FD-HS)
ENGLISH 310-0 Studies in Literary Genres
ENGLISH 311-0 Studies in Poetry
ENGLISH 312-0 Studies in Drama
ENGLISH 313-0 Studies in Fiction
ENGLISH 322-0 Medieval Drama
ENGLISH 323-1 Medieval Poetry
ENGLISH 324-0 Studies in Medieval Literature
ENGLISH 331-0 Renaissance Poetry
ENGLISH 332-0 Renaissance Drama
ENGLISH 338-0 Studies in Renaissance Literature
ENGLISH 339-0 Studies in Shakespeare
ENGLISH 340-0 Studies in 18th-Century Literature
ENGLISH 344-0 18th-Century Fiction
ENGLISH 351-0 Romantic Poetry
ENGLISH 353-0 Studies in Romantic Literature
ENGLISH 357-0 19th-Century British Fiction
ENGLISH 359-0 Studies in 19th-Century Literature
ENGLISH 361-0 20th and 21st Century Poetry
ENGLISH 365-0 Studies in Postcolonial Literature2
ENGLISH 366-0 Studies in African American Literature1
ENGLISH 368-0 Studies in 20th- and 21st-Century Literature
ENGLISH 371-0 American Novel
ENGLISH 372-0 American Poetry
ENGLISH 374-0 Studies in Native American and Indigenous Literatures1
ENGLISH 375-0 Studies in Asian American Literature1
ENGLISH 377-0 Studies in Latina and Latino Literature
ENGLISH 378-0 Studies in American Literature
ENGLISH 381-0 Literature & Medicine
ENGLISH 382-0 Literature and Law
ENGLISH 383-0 Special Topics in Theory
ENGLISH 385-0 Studies in Literature and Culture
ENGLISH 386-0 Studies in Literature and Film
ENGLISH 388-0 Studies in Literature and Ethics (or FD-EET)
ENGLISH 397-0 Research Seminar for Literature Majors
FRENCH 210-0 Reading Literatures in French
FRENCH 211-0 Reading Cultures in French2
FRENCH 271-0 Introducing the Novel2
FRENCH 272-0 Introducing Theatre
FRENCH 273-0 Introducing Poetry
FRENCH 277-0 French Existentialism (or FD-EET)
FRENCH 335-0 17th Century Literature (taught in French)
FRENCH 371-0 Giants, Cannibals, and Critique
FRENCH 375-0 French Film
FRENCH 390-0 Topics in Literature and Culture (taught in French)
GERMAN 211-0 German Culture Through Film
GERMAN 221-1 Introduction to Literature: 1800-1900
GERMAN 221-2 Introduction to German Literature: 1900-1945
GERMAN 221-3 Introduction to Literature: 1945-today
GERMAN 223-0 Austrian Literature
GERMAN 244-0 Analyzing Freud
GERMAN 245-0 Special Topics in German Literature and Culture (taught in German)
GERMAN 246-0 Special Topics in German Literature and Culture (taught in English)
GERMAN 266-0 Introduction to Yiddish Culture: Images of the Shtetl (with JWSH_ST 266-0)
GERMAN 327-0 German Expressionism
GERMAN 321-1 Reason, Revolution, and Despair: 1800-1900
GERMAN 321-2 Myth and Modernity: 1900-1945
GERMAN 321-3 Recoveries and Transitions: 1945-present
GERMAN 322-0 German Contributions to World Literature (taught in English)
GERMAN 328-0 Prague: City of Cultures, City of Conflict (with SLAVIC 328-0)2
GERMAN 331-0 Shattered Worlds: Representation after the Shoa
GERMAN 333-0 Literature of a Divided Nation
GERMAN 334-0 Writers and their Critics
GERMAN 345-0 Topics in German Literature and Culture (taught in German)
GERMAN 346-0 Topics in German Literature and Culture (taught in English)
GREEK 301-0 Readings in Greek Literature
HIND_URD 320-0 Topics Hindi-Urdu Literature
HISTORY 350-0 Soviet History Through Film (or FD-HS)1
HUM 225-0 Media Theory (with ART_HIST 375-0)
ITALIAN 251-0 Introduction to Italian Cinema2
ITALIAN 275-0 Dante's Divine Comedy
JWSH_ST 266-0 Introduction to Yiddish Culture: Images of the Shtetl (with GERMAN 266-0)
JWSH_ST 279-0 Modern Jewish Literature
LATIN 310-0 Readings in Latin Literature
LATINO 277-0 Introduction to Latinx Literature (with ENGLISH 277-0  and SPANISH 277-0)1
LATINO 393-0 Topics in Latina and Latino Text and Representation
PHIL 280-0 Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
PORT 210-0 Icons, Legends & Myths in Brazil
RELIGION 301-0 Hindu Epics: Mahābhārata
RELIGION 319-0 Topics in Buddhism (or FD-EET)
SLAVIC 210-1 Introduction to Russian Literature
SLAVIC 210-2 Introduction to Russian Literature
SLAVIC 211-2 20th-Century Russian Literature
SLAVIC 218-0 Introduction to Polish Literature2
SLAVIC 261-0 Heart of Europe: Poland in the Twentieth Century
SLAVIC 310-0 Tolstoy
SLAVIC 328-0 Prague: City of Cultures, City of Conflict (with GERMAN 328-0)2
SPANISH 204-0 Advanced Spanish II: Artivism in Times of Political Change2
SPANISH 223-0 Cervantes (taught in English)2
SPANISH 231-0 New Latin American Narrative2
SPANISH 250-0 Literature in Spain Before 1700
SPANISH 251-0 Literature in Spain Since 1700
SPANISH 260-0 Literature in Latin America Before 18882
SPANISH 261-0 Literature in Latin America Since 18882
SPANISH 277-0 Introduction to Latinx Literature (with ENGLISH 277-0 and LATINO 277-0)1
SPANISH 344-0 Borges (taught in Spanish)
SPANISH 345-0 Reading the 'Boom'
SPANISH 350-0 Visual Culture in Latina/o America and Spain (taught in Spanish)2
SPANISH 362-0 Citizenship and Urban Violence in Latin America2
SPANISH 395-0 Topics in Latin American, Latina and Latino, and/or Iberian Cultures

1 Also Overlay 1: U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity

2 Also Overlay 2: Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity


US and Global Perspectives (overlays)
Overlay 1: U.S. Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Subject Number Title
AF_AM_ST 210-0 Survey of African American Literature4
AF_AM_ST 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (with HISTORY 212-2)2
AF_AM_ST 214-0 Comparative Race and Ethnic Studies1
AF_AM_ST 215-0 Introduction to Black Social & Political Life1
AF_AM_ST 220-0 Civil Rights and Black Liberation2
AF_AM_ST 236-0 Introduction to African-American Studies1,4
AF_AM_ST 320-0 Social Meaning of Race1
AF_AM_ST 350-0 Theorizing Blackness4
AF_AM_ST 360-0 Major Authors4
AF_AM_ST 365-0 Black Chicago1
ANTHRO 221-0 Social and Health Inequalities1
ANTHRO 235-0 Language in Asian America (with ASIAN_AM 235-0)1
ANTHRO 382-0 Political Ecology (with ENVR_POL 384-0)1
ASIAN_AM 235-0 Language in Asian America (with ANTHRO 235-0)1
ASIAN_AM 251-0 Introduction to Critical Mixed Race Studies (with BLK_ST 251-0)1
ASIAN_AM 275-0 Introduction to Asian American Literature (with ENGLISH 275-0)4
ASIAN_AM 276-0 Topics in Asian American Literature (with ENGLISH 276-0)4
BLK_ST 212-1 Introduction to African-American History: Key Concepts from 1700-1861 (with HISTORY 212-1)2
BLK_ST 247-0 Black Life. Trans Life.
BLK_ST 251-0 Introduction to Critical Mixed Race Studies (with ASIAN_AM 251-0)1
BLK_ST 317-0 Black Political Thought1
BLK_ST 362-0 Introduction to Black Religions (with RELIGION 362-0)2
ENGLISH 266-0 Introduction to African American Literature4
ENGLISH 267-0 Topics in African American Literature4
ENGLISH 274-0 Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Literatures4
ENGLISH 275-0 Introduction to Asian American Literature (with ASIAN_AM 275-0)4
ENGLISH 276-0 Topics in Asian American Literature (with ASIAN_AM 276-0)4
ENGLISH 277-0 Intro to Latinx Literature (with LATINO 277-0 and SPANISH 277-0)4
ENGLISH 366-0 Studies in African American Literature4
ENGLISH 374-0 Studies in Native American and Indigenous Literatures4
ENGLISH 375-0 Studies in Asian American Literature4
ENVR_POL 212-0 Environment and Society (with SOCIOL 212-0)1
ENVR_POL 309-0 American Environmental History (with HISTORY 309-0)2
ENVR_POL 384-0 Political Ecology (with ANTHRO 382-0)1
GBL_HLTH 221-0 Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health and Pleasure (with GNDR_ST 221-0)1
GBL_HLTH 318-0 Community-based Participatory Research1
GNDR_ST 220-0 Sexual Subjects: Introduction to Sexuality Studies
GNDR_ST 221-0 Beyond Porn: Sexuality, Health and Pleasure (with GBL_HLTH 221-0)1
GNDR_ST 235-0 Beyond the Binary: Transgender and Race
GNDR_ST 324-0 U.S. Gay and Lesbian History (with HISTORY 324-0)2
GNDR_ST 340-0 Gender, Sexuality and the Law (with LEGAL_ST 340-0)1
HISTORY 210-1 History of the United States, Precolonial to the Civil War2
HISTORY 210-2 History of the United States, Reconstruction to the Present2
HISTORY 211-0 American Wars2
HISTORY 212-1 Introduction to African-American History: Key Concepts from 1700-1861 (with BLK_ST 212-1)2
HISTORY 212-2 Introduction to African American History: Emancipation to Civil Rights Movement (with AF_AM_ST 212-2)2
HISTORY 309-0 American Environmental History (with ENVR_POL 309-0)2
HISTORY 310-1 Early American History: Conquest and Colonization, to 16882
HISTORY 319-0 History of US Foreign Relations2
HISTORY 324-0 U.S. Gay and Lesbian History (with GNDR_ST 324-0)2
HISTORY 327-0 Histories of Violence in the United States2
HUM 220-0 Health, Biomedicine, Culture, and Society (with SOCIOL 220-0)1
LATINO 277-0 Intro to Latinx Literature (with ENGLISH 277-0 and SPANISH 277-0)4
LEGAL_ST 206-0 Law and Society (with SOCIOL 206-0)1
LEGAL_ST 333-0 Constitutional Law II (with POLI_SCI 333-0)1
LEGAL_ST 340-0 Gender, Sexuality and the Law (with GNDR_ST 340-0)1
LEGAL_ST 347-0 Comparative Race and Ethnicity2
LEGAL_ST 348-0 Race, Politics, and the Law (with SOCIOL 348-0)1
LING 220-0 Language and Society1
LING 312-0 Experimental Sociolinguistics1
LING 320-0 Sociolinguistics1
PHIL 224-0 Philosophy, Race, and Racism3
PHIL 262-0 Ethical Problems and Public Issues3
POLI_SCI 220-0 American Government and Politics1
POLI_SCI 230-0 Introduction to Law in the Political Arena1
POLI_SCI 307-0 Deportation Law and Politics1
POLI_SCI 321-0 Urban Politics1
POLI_SCI 326-0 Race and Public Policy1
POLI_SCI 327-0 African American Politics1
POLI_SCI 333-0 Constitutional Law II (with LEGAL_ST 333-0)1
POLI_SCI 334-0 Latino Politics1
POLI_SCI 336-0 Immigration Politics and Policy1
RELIGION 362-0 Introduction to Black Religions (with BLK_ST 362-0)2
SOCIOL 206-0 Law and Society (with LEGAL_ST 206-0)1
SOCIOL 210-0 Families and Societies1
SOCIOL 212-0 Environment and Society (with ENVR_POL 212-0)1
SOCIOL 216-0 Gender and Society1
SOCIOL 218-0 Education and Inequality: Focus on Chicago1
SOCIOL 220-0 Health, Biomedicine, Culture, and Society (with HUM 220-0)1
SOCIOL 223-0 Masculinities and Society1
SOCIOL 235-0 Critical Thought on Race and Ethnicity1
SOCIOL 307-0 School and Society1
SOCIOL 310-0 Sociology of the Family1
SOCIOL 320-0 Gender, Health and Medicine1
SOCIOL 327-0 Youth and Society1
SOCIOL 348-0 Race, Politics, and the Law (with LEGAL_ST 348-0)1
SPANISH 277-0 Intro to Latinx Literature (with ENGLISH 277-0 and LATINO 277-0)4

1Also FD-Social and Behavioral Sciences

2Also FD-Historical Studies

3Also FD-Ethical and Evaluative Thinking

4Also FD-Literature and Arts

Overlay 2: Global Perspectives on Power, Justice, and Equity
Subject Number Title
ANTHRO 211-0 Culture and Society1
ANTHRO 215-0 Study of Culture Through Language1
ANTHRO 326-0 Archaeologies of Sustainability and Collapse (with ENVR_POL 385)
ANTHRO 329-0 Archaeology and Nationalism (with HUM 329-0)2
ANTHRO 383-0 Environmental Anthropology (with ENVR_POL 383-0)1
ART_HIST 222-0 Introduction to Art of the African Diaspora2, 4
ART_HIST 240-0 Introduction to Asian Art2, 4
ART_HIST 255-0 Introduction to Modernism2, 4
ART_HIST 342-0 Eighteenth-Century European Art2, 4
ART_HIST 350-1 19th Century Art 1: 1800-18482, 4
ART_HIST 350-2 19th Century Art 2: 1848-19002, 4
ART_HIST 360-1 20th Century Art 12, 4
ART_HIST 386-0 Art of Africa2, 4
ASIAN_LC 393-0 Asian Environmental Humanities4
BLK_ST 275-0 Africans and African Americas4
COMP_LIT 207-0 Introduction to Critical Theory (with PHIL 220-0)3
ENGLISH 280-0 Introduction to Postcolonial Literature4
ENGLISH 281-0 Topics in Postcolonial Comparative Literatures4
ENGLISH 365-0 Studies in Postcolonial Literature4
ENVR_POL 337-0 Hazard, Disaster and Society (with GBL_HLTH 337-0)1
ENVR_POL 338-0 Environmental Justice (with GBL_HLTH 338-0)1
ENVR_POL 340-0 Global Environments and World History (with HISTORY 376-0) 1,2
ENVR_POL 383-0 Environmental Anthropology (with ANTHRO 383-0)1
ENVR_POL 385-0 Archaeologies of Sustainability and Collapse (with ANTHRO 326-0)
FRENCH 211-0 Reading Cultures in French4
FRENCH 271-0 Introducing the Novel4
GBL_HLTH 201-0 Introduction to Global Health1
GBL_HLTH 302-0 Global Bioethics3
GBL_HLTH 306-0 Biomedicine and Culture1
GBL_HLTH 309-0 Biomedicine and World History (with HISTORY 379-0)1,2
GBL_HLTH 321-0 War and Public Health1
GBL_HLTH 323-0 Global Health From Policy to Practice1
GBL_HLTH 324-0 Volunteerism and the Ethics of Help3
GBL_HLTH 325-0 History of Reproductive Health2
GBL_HLTH 337-0 Hazard, Disaster and Society (with ENVR_POL 337-0)1
GBL_HLTH 338-0 Environmental Justice (with ENVR_POL 338-0)1
GERMAN 248-0 Learning Diversity: Germany and Global Migration
GERMAN 303-0 Speaking as Discovery
GERMAN 328-0 Prague: City of Cultures, City of Conflict (with SLAVIC 328-0)4
HISTORY 201-1 Europe in the Medieval and Early Modern World2
HISTORY 201-2 Europe in the Modern World2
HISTORY 203-1 Jewish History 750-14922
HISTORY 249-0 The End of Citizenship1,2
HISTORY 250-1 Global History I2
HISTORY 250-2 Global History II2
HISTORY 251-0 The Politics of Disaster: A Global Environmental History1,2
HISTORY 253-0 A Global History of Prisons and Camps2,3
HISTORY 260-2 History of Latin America1,2
HISTORY 275-1 History of Early Modern Science and Medicine2
HISTORY 275-2 History of Modern Science and Medicine2
HISTORY 286-0 World War II in Asia2
HISTORY 340-0 Gender, War, and Revolution in the 20th Century2
HISTORY 351-0 Europe in the Age of Total War3,2
HISTORY 353-0 History of Capitalism1,2
HISTORY 354-0 History of Socialism1,2
HISTORY 367-0 History of Mexico1,2
HISTORY 370-0 Music and Nation in Latin America1,2
HISTORY 376-0 Global Environments and World History (with ENVR_POL 340-0) 1,2
HISTORY 379-0 Biomedicine and World History (with GBL_HLTH 309-0)1,2
HISTORY 381-3 China in Reform2
HISTORY 382-0 The Modern Japanese City2
HISTORY 385-1 From Taj to Raj: Early Modern India, ca 1500-18002
HISTORY 385-2 History of Modern South Asia2
HISTORY 386-2 History of Modern Southeast Asia Until 19452
HISTORY 386-3 Southeast Asia: Decolonization & Independence1,2
HUM 329-0 Archaeology and Nationalism (with ANTHRO 329-0)2
ISEN 230-0 Climate Change and Sustainability: Ethical Dimensions (with PHIL 270-0)3
ITALIAN 251-0 Introduction to Italian Cinema4
LEGAL_ST 356-0 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (with POLI_SCI 356-0)1
PHIL 220-0 Introduction to Critical Theory (with COMP_LIT 207-0)3
PHIL 222-0 Introduction to Africana Philosophy3
PHIL 270-0 Climate Change and Sustainability: Economic and Ethical Dimensions (with ISEN 230-0)3
POLI_SCI 240-0 Introduction to International Relations1
POLI_SCI 250-0 Introduction to Comparative Politics1
POLI_SCI 304-0 Human Rights Between East and West3
POLI_SCI 341-0 International Political Economy1
POLI_SCI 343-0 Politics of International Law1
POLI_SCI 347-0 Ethics in International Relations3
POLI_SCI 350-0 Social Movements1
POLI_SCI 351-0 Politics of the Middle East1
POLI_SCI 352-0 Global Development (with SOCIOL 317-0)1
POLI_SCI 354-0 Politics of Southeast Asia1
POLI_SCI 356-0 Constitutional Challenges in Comparative Perspective (with LEGAL_ST 356-0)1
POLI_SCI 359-0 Politics of Africa1
POLI_SCI 362-0 Politics of Europe1
POLI_SCI 374-0 Politics of Capitalism1
POLI_SCI 376-0 Civil Wars1
POLI_SCI 377-0 Drugs and Politics1
POLI_SCI 384-0 International Responses to Mass Atrocities1
PSYCH 317-0 The Holocaust: Psychological Themes & Perspectives1
SLAVIC 218-0 Introduction to Polish Literature4
SLAVIC 328-0 Prague: City of Cultures, City of Conflict (with GERMAN 328-0)4
SOCIOL 305-0 Population Dynamics1
SOCIOL 317-0 Global Development (with POLI_SCI 352-0)1
SPANISH 204-0 Advanced Spanish II: Artivism in Times of Political Change4
SPANISH 223-0 Cervantes4
SPANISH 231-0 New Latin American Narrative4
SPANISH 260-0 Literature in Latin America before 18884
SPANISH 261-0 Literature in Latin America since 18884
SPANISH 349-0 Critical Thought in Latin America3
SPANISH 350-0 Visual Culture in Latina/o America and Spain4
SPANISH 362-0 Citizenship and Urban Violence in Latin America4

1Also FD-Social and Behavioral Sciences

2Also FD-Historical Studies

3Also FD-Ethical and Evaluative Thinking

4Also FD-Literature and Arts


Previous course lists

NOTE: Students who started taking classes at Northwestern in Spring 2023 or earlier should refer to the Courses Approved for Distribution Credit. The information above pertains to students who start at Northwestern after Spring 2023.