On Campus
Filmgoers Flock to Divergent
The bestselling novel by Veronica Roth ’10 comes to life on the big screen.
Global Warming Is No Myth
The severe winter of 2014 doesn’t mean climate change isn’t happening, Assistant Professor Yarrow Axford says.
Breaking Ground on the Global Hub
A new state-of-the-art building will house both the Kellogg School of Management and the College’s Department of Economics.
Students and Alumni Win Fulbrights
Fourteen Weinberg College students and graduates are among this year’s crop of Fulbright recipients.
Mourning a Nobel Laureate
Economics Professor Dale Mortensen is recalled as a “perfect mentor” and a “humble, fun-loving guy.”
The War No Image Could Capture
Historian Deborah Cohen explains why photographers failed to convey the horrors of World War I.
New Findings on Exoplanets
Weinberg College researchers discover surprising traits of planets beyond our own solar system.
Chem Lab Gets Big Makeover
A sweeping renovation transforms the introductory chemistry lab into a brighter, roomier and more collaborative space.
New Views on the Middle East
Ten Northwestern scholars share fresh perspectives on old controversies in the new book On the Ground.
Bringing a Renaissance Treasure to Life
Emeritus Professors Dan Garrison and Malcolm Hast spent more than 20 years translating a revolutionary textbook on human anatomy.
Undergrads Gain Free Entry to Art Institute
A generous gift from Shirley Welsh Ryan ’61 establishes a new partnership between the museum and Northwestern University.
The Secret History of Las Vegas
Professor Chris Abani’s latest thriller sets an intricate crime story against the backdrop of Sin City.
Alumni Talk
Teach for America Weinberg graduates and others discuss the challenges they faced while serving in the high-profile program.
Face to Face with Socrates
The philosopher’s timeless ideas are made relevant to a modern audience in Elliniko Theatro’s production of Socrates Now.
Faculty Speak at Chicago Humanities Festival
Professors from across the College explored the Festival’s 2013 theme, “Animal: What Makes Us Human.”