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Northwestern University

Chicago Field Studies Alumni Panel

Chicago Field Studies alumni shared how they navigated their unique career paths.

Chicago Field Studies alumni and students sat down in Guild Lounge to chat about their unique experiential learning opportunities at Northwestern and how Chicago Field Studies shaped their life beyond the purple walls of Evanston.
Students "gleaned invaluable insights from accomplished professionals in diverse fields," as our student moderator, Didi Jin, put it. Those incredible alumni included...
Megan Trout '09
  • (International Studies and Spanish) Senior Brand Manager at Fontaine Sante
Tommy Vaughan '19
  • (Organizational Behavior Studies) Business Operations Advisor at WasteNot Inc.
Janelle Kwan '07
  • (History and Communication Studies) Senior Director, Intelligence at Sg2

"Emotional intelligence is key in both career and life. Know who you are today and what has happened in your life to get you here. Know where you want to grow to in the future, and what it will take to get there. This is the path to pursue. Good luck!"
"You went to Northwestern, you'll be alright."
"There is no fixed path to your career!"

Thank you Megan, Tommy, and Janelle for joining us and thank you Didi for being a great student moderator!


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